Week 2 Update

Good afternoon Parents,

Welcome to Week 2...I hope that you enjoyed the weekend and managed to get some Vitamin Sea in!


Swimming Lessons - These begin on Thursday of this week. Students are to wear their sports uniform for these days. Please make sure your child has their bathers, rashie and boardies already on. They are to wear thongs to school and they will change into their sneakers upon their return. Please make sure they have their towels and goggles in a bag clearly labelled with their name. They will also need to have a substantial snack to bring with them as we have a break between lessons.

Sloan Drive Pick Up Lane - Is open as of today. Students in Year 3 are only to use this with an older sibling in Years 4-6. If they are not accompanied by an older sibling they are to continue using the Cape Naturaliste Pick Up Lane.


We have begun this year with spending a large portion of each day learning the routines and procedures that the students will use throughout the year...they have had a lot of information to absorb!

In our literacy lessons, we have begun looking at the purpose and structure of a persuasive text. Students were given the challenge of persuading Mr Wilkie not to lock away the sports equipment in the coming weeks due to students not caring for it properly. We had a fantastic brainstorm session in which students came up with some excellent reasons to support their argument!

In our health and religion lessons, we have created some individual goals for the students to work towards achieving.

In maths, we have been refreshing our knowledge of place value and looking at the largest and smallest numbers that can be made using a series of given numbers.


We will begin a modified homework routine this week with the addition of mental maths. All homework (reading log and mental maths) is to be brought to me every day to be marked.

Reading - students are to read a book of their choice for 10 minutes (or longer). They are to write it in their reading log (which is glued into their Homework Books) and bring it to you to be signed each night.

Mental Maths - students are to complete Unit 2 on Pages 7-9. They are to complete one column each night. Students are welcome to work ahead for the week. We will complete the Friday column in class as our test for the week.

If your child needs a refresher on the strategy that is being used - check out the link below. Mr Mac has made a great video to help the students (and you) if they need it.

Unit 2 - Friendly Jumps Strategy

I ask that your child attempts to complete their maths independently and then brings it to you to be checked. 

If they have got some wrong, I would appreciate if you could take the time to work through them together. I will further explain any tricky ones in class.

We will mark our mental maths each morning in class. 

Have a great week,

Mrs Delane 


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