Week 2 Update

Good morning parents,

Welcome back to another fantastic week in Year 4...the students have started the week with a bang and moved beautifully through our literacy and numeracy tasks this morning. We are seeing a real maturity and settled approach to our class work which is a real credit to your beautiful children!


Inter-school Cross Country - Please bear in mind this is on this Thursday 1st August. Mrs Sinclair sent a note home with your child last term with all relevant information...my advice is pack loads of food, warm clothes and a reusable cup or thermos!

Welcome Mass - If you would like to join Fr Francis for his first mass at OLTSC this Sunday morning 3rd August, beginning at 9am we would love to see you there.

Mission Markets - These are held each year to coincide with the celebration of our Feast Day. These will be held on Thursday 15th August.

This year, the Year 4 classes will be putting together lucky dip bags! We are asking that all Year 4 families please send in with their child some suitable non lolly items to be included. Think pencils, bouncy balls, notepads, rubbers etc. If you are looking for inspiration - head to Kmart!

If all students could please bring in 5 individual items - a spread across lower, middle and upper interests would be great! If you could please make sure that you have your items in by Monday 12th September as we will be begin drawing our bags and packing them.

On the Mission Markets day, students will come to school with a maximum amount of $10 in small denominations - please put this in a wallet/purse or zip-lock bag. Please make sure these are clearly labelled. Students will also need to bring in their own carry bag to use on this day.

Please check the newsletter for any changes

  • OLC Feast Day - Whole School Mass - Friday 16th August
  • Book Week Dress Up Day - Thursday 22nd August
  • 4D Performance Assembly - Friday 23rd August
  • Year 3/4 Jumps Day - Wednesday - 4th September
  • Year 3/4 Throws - Wednesday - 11th September
  • School Photos - Thursday 12/13th September 
  • 4R Performance Assembly - Friday 13th September
  • OLC Athletics Carnival - Thursday 19th September


Last week we began our Friday STEM Challenges...the students had a fantastic time looking at creating a boat that would float for one minute. The added challenge for the students was to have their boat be strong enough to hold a given weight without sinking. They needed to factor in buoyancy, stability and volume in their design. This week the students will have the opportunity to test and improve their designs...we are looking forward to seeing what they can do!


Please see below for the homework assigned for this week. If you can please support your child to complete all parts of their homework each week. This helps with their personal organisation and reduces their anxiety of getting in trouble when it is not done. 

1. Reading - Students are to read for 10 minutes each night.
2. Timetables - 12's -  Students are to practice at least 4 times throughout the week at home. We will be having a test of their 12's on Thursday.

3. Mental Maths- Complete Unit 21, p 42 & 43. All sections are to be completed by Friday.

4. Spelling - the students are to complete LSCWC and their 'Words Within in Sentences' into their Homework 
books by Friday. 

Have a great end to the week! 

I look forward to sending a thumbs up or high five your way if I see you!

Mrs Delane 


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