Welcome to Term 3!

Good afternoon parents,

Welcome back! It has been a great start to the term. The children seem refreshed and are displaying such positivity towards their friendships and learning. 

With the starting of our new principal Mr Lee, there seems to be excitement in the air! With his wonderful background and knowledge of the MJR (Making Jesus Real) program, he has challenged us to start a new focus on different ways to greet and connect with each other in the mornings. These include 'Time for manner's Monday and Tuesday', 'Winking Wednesday', 'Thumbs Up Thursday' and 'High Five Friday'. It will be great to see as many of you get on board with this as much as possible, even though it may feel a little awkward at times.
Ask your child to show you our special 4D handshake!

  1. Please ensure your child comes to school each day with their laptop charged ready to go. Those that forget will receive an infringement which will be signed by Mr Torrese and brought home for your signature. It is important that the children take ownership of their belongings and the learning tools they need each day.
  2. Interschool Cross Country - Thursday 1st August 2019


In Literacy this term we will be focusing on writing Persuasive texts. We will be looking at the structure and language features of strong persuasive texts. So be prepared for some strong arguments to be presented to get that puppy, have that sleepover or buy that new skateboard! We wish you well😉

The topics we will be covering in Numeracy include Fractions, Decimals and Percentages, a review of angles and a focus on time; reading analogue and calculating elapsed time. Some simple ways to help your child's understanding of these might include:

- Talking about fractions where they occur in everyday situations, 
- Discuss percentages as you see them at the shops, junk mail and on TV,
- Draw attention to any angle types you see on your travels out and about. Discuss the different type of lines   
  making that angle,
- Encourage your child to read and tell the time at home using an analogue clock instead of a digital device. If 
  they haven't already, it may be worth buying them a small analogue clock to have in their room to allow them 
  to become more familiar with this.

Within RE this term we will be focusing on three units: God Knows Everything, The Spirit Who Strengthens and All Powerful God. Also in MJR this term we have a real focus on how we greet, treat and speak to others, as well as  promoting kids to be WESTIES instead of being EASTIES. 

WESTIES are people who welcome and encourage others, are able to say sorry when they make a mistake and use their manners. Where as EASTIES are people who exclude others, are argumentative, sulk and talk back.

In Science this term we will be focusing on properties of materials. The students will be exploring through experiments the different qualities a material possesses and the purpose for this.

In HASS we are looking at sustainability and ways to support our environment. We aim to implement some new sustainable practices within our classroom as a result. 

Lastly this week we will be placing a large focus on goal setting and refocusing for the term ahead. Doing this each term helps the students identify skills and/or behaviours they would personally like to improve. These will be displayed around the classroom once they are completed, so when you get a chance come in and take a look at what your child has chosen to work towards this term.


Please see below for the homework assigned for this week. If you can please support your child to complete all parts of their homework each week. This helps with their personal organisation and reduces their anxiety of getting in trouble when it is not done. 

1. Reading - Students are to read for 10 minutes each night.

2. Timetables - 12's -  Students are to practice at least 4 times throughout the week at home. 

3. Mental Maths- Complete Unit 18, p 38 & 39. All sections are to be completed by Friday.

4. Spelling - the students are to complete LSCWC and their 'Words Within in Sentences' into their Homework      
    books by Friday. 

Have a great end to the week! 

I look forward to sending a thumbs up or high five your way if I see you!

Mrs Delane 


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