Welcome to Week 6

Good evening parents,

Welcome to Week 6, I hope that you enjoyed an extra long weekend...it was lovely to not have to set the alarm last night!!

Egg Drop Problem - I sent a reminder text tonight reminding the students about bringing in their materials for our Technologies session tomorrow. The students were asked to create a product that would protect a hard boiled egg from being broken when dropped from a height of 1m.

Maths Assessment - We will be having our assessment on our unit on multiplication and division on Friday 5th June. 

Laptop Care - The last couple of weeks I have had a steady increase in laptops being forgotten and coming to school not charged. Whilst all of our lessons can be completed with or without tech, it is at times difficult for the students to proceed without the supporting tech.

If you can please support your child to please make sure they have a habit of not just plugging the laptop in but also turning the 'on' switch on!

Also, make sure that they have their laptop packed and ready to go in the morning.


Once the weather had passed and the power was back on we had an absolute cracker of a week. 

The students finished drafting their information reports about their favourite object and are currently publishing their good copies. This week they will begin researching their final topic for our information report genre...I am asking the students to think about a person that they look up to or find inspirational. 

This can include a sports person, actor, author or musician...they will be asked to research facts about this person sharing why they are inspired by them. We will then work on putting together an oral presentation using Power Point in which they share their person with the class.

I am expecting oral presentations to begin in Week 8/9 but will confirm with the students so I can make sure they are confident and feeling fresh! 

We will work on these in class but I will be asking the students to practice these at home with your support!

Our maths sessions have been focused on written strategies for multiplication and division and we will finish this unit up on Friday. We will be conducting our review of these concepts this week so the students are feeling confident. 

In science we have been learning all about the life cycle of a flowering plant which has provided us doco nerds with a chance to really get into our docos!! All in the name of science!! We have been investigating the process of pollination and this week we will begin looking at fruit and the importance of seeds!

We had a super fun session on Friday during STEM...the students have been challenged to create a board game. The buzz was electric...it was very exciting to watch the kids be so creative. In our session this week we will be working on putting our board games together and then test them the week after.


Last week saw a number of students 'forgetting' their homework and not having their learning grid signed. We had a good conversation about the importance of them following up to complete their homework and chasing you up to make sure that their grid is signed.

Can I ask that you are correcting their spelling homework each night, this prevents students from making a repeated mistake in their spelling homework.

If anyone has any suggestions on different ideas for homework activities I would love to hear from you!

Enjoy the short week!

Mrs Delane 


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