Welcome to Week 9!

Good morning parents,

Welcome to the week...I hope those that camped out over the weekend are feeling well and rested! Thanks so much to our parent reps for organising such a wonderful event for our families, I appreciated being included and it is one of the many things that I love about our school!


General Check In & Chat - Just so you are aware, Ben and I had a chat with both classes this morning to address some small issues that have been popping up over the last couple of weeks. There have been some incidences of mean on purpose and/or socially unkind behaviour.

We discussed the importance of being patient with others, choosing kind words, including others and keeping comments about other people's food, bodies, hair or other items to themselves. 

We encouraged the students to remember that if they are having any issues with anyone that they have some strategies to use. 

These include:

  • Using their quick comeback - "Hey!", "Not Cool!", "No Thanks!" or any other phrase that they feel comfortable with. This is helpful because it lets the person know they are not cool with what they said or did.
  • Sorting out their friendship fire with that person directly and on their own.
  • Checking in if their friendship is sitting in the positive or negative zone on the Friend-o-meter and then taking some time away if needed.
  • Talking to a teacher or parent about what is happening - this is sometimes very helpful because it helps them to develop their own strategies or ideas on how to fix things. These conversations happen best when eye contact is not possible - think driving in the car or later at night once they are tucked up in bed with the lights out. My advice here is to just sit and listen...I fully appreciate this can be very hard when we feel our child's pain!!! Them knowing that you know and can talk about it can at times help ease some of the pain.
  • Asking a teacher or parent to help.
If your child is having ongoing difficulties in the playground or class, can you please let me know so I can support them more directly. Children are often very worried about teachers or parents knowing about things as at times we can inadvertently make things worse without meaning to.

Oral Presentations - These have already begun, well done to Jacob, Cruz, Miah and Sam for being the first ones up...it is always tough!

I posted a schedule last week, please check in with your child as to when they are presenting. They are very welcome to dress up as their person although this is completely optional

Part of their homework this week is to make sure they are practicing their speech using their palm cards. They will be recording their speeches on their laptops for you to look at later if you wish.

Pyjama Day - Is on this Friday 26th June! Finally we can all wear our jim jams to school, please note this is a fundraiser for Project Compassion and we are asking all students to make a gold coin donation. Slippers and Uggs are not to be worn, I would advise sneakers!

Cross Country - This will be held on the 1st July and students are asked to wear their faction shirts please.


Please see the learning grid that your child has brought home, again, if I can please ask you to make sure that your child is bringing this to you to be signed I would be most appreciate.

If you can encourage your child to be practicing their speech each night to help them to feel comfortable and confident.

Have a great week,

Mrs Delane 


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