Welcome to Week 2, Term 2

Good morning parents,

Happy ANZAC Day! I hope that you enjoyed the long weekend and celebrated this really special day in a way that was meaningful for you and your family. I loved the driveway service idea again this year, a touching way to connect as a street to remember this day.

It has been a busy one in our house with footy season underway, I hope that if your child was out and about participating in their chosen sport that they had an enjoyable time and you enjoyed the sunshine in watching!

I am so pleased to welcome Miss Annabelle Tickner, a final year pre-service teacher undertaking her final placement into our class this week. 

She will be here for this term and will gradually increase her teaching load until she is teaching the class full time under my guidance and supervision.

This is an excellent opportunity for her to hone her skills and get an understanding of what it is like to plan for and implement teaching and learning programs as well as seeing the children grow over the term.


Laptops - It is super important that these are coming to school with sufficient charge to last the day. Tuesday to Friday during our Reading Groups the students must have access to their laptops as all of their activities are undertaken on their laptops, not to mention the times during other lessons where they are required.

I will happily support any consequences on the home front around laptop usage, if this does occur, can I please ask that the laptop remains at school rather than being taken off them at home and then not brought to school.

Eucharist Dates - These were included on our Homework Grid last week. If your child is making their First Eucharist and you know that you will be away for either the parent workshop or the sacrament, please get in touch immediately.

This date will not be changed to accommodate, but you can then coordinate as a parent group a time with Fr Francis that the students can possibly receive the sacrament together.

  • 25th May at 5.30pm - Eucharist Parent Workshop - All students receiving the sacrament are expected to attend with at least 1 parent/guardian. This is an interactive workshop and it is a great opportunity to spend some time with your child learning about this important sacrament for your child's faith journey. Prayer buddies are not expected to attend.
  • 12th June at 6pm - Commitment & Year 4 Family Mass - All Year 4 students and their families are expected to attend. (Please note the change in date)
  • 27th June at 9am - Sacrament of First Eucharist - This is where the students will receive the  sacrament. All Year 4 families are expected to attend.

It has been such a busy start to the term already and I am so pleased to note that the students have started the term well showing good learning and work habits which is so great. It makes our class a really enjoyable place to be when I am able to focus on the teaching and learning with the students...I can see that many of you have shared the feedback from our parent meetings last term with your child and that they are working hard to achieve well, so thank you!

In our writing sessions this term we have continued our learning around narratives, the students are currently working on planning and drafting their narratives this week. We are hoping to have them edited and published, ready for display by next Monday. We will then move on to looking at Information Reports which is always a super fun writing genre as it provides an opportunity for the students to really hone in on their passions. We will be heading off to Eagles Heritage and this will give the students a chance to see some birds of prey up close and provide a stimulus for them to choose a bird to research in more depth. They will also be doing an oral presentation for the first time on their chosen bird which is another great skill for them to learn.

In our maths sessions we have begun the term looking at fractions...any opportunity you get to practice this really important skill at home is really valuable...we always talk about sharing between yourself and your brothers and sisters...no one wants to get ripped off! We will then move on to looking at length and volume and capacity.

Our science lessons are looking at Biological Sciences, this is a great unit which takes a close up look at pollination and the important role of bees! I reference 'The Bee Movie' on a very regular basis as I feel that it gives the best insight into the importance of bees in a light and relatable way. If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it for a Monday evening family movie night!


You may have noticed the slight change to homework set up last week...now that the students are familiar with the procedure we have moved them away from more paper!

On a Monday, we will give the students the new words for the week, they are then asked to show them to me so that I can check that they have copied them down correctly. IF for any reason your child has not had their words checked on a Monday, please take a moment to check they have copied them correctly so that they are not replicating any mistakes.

As always, I ask for your support in their work being completed neatly and to a high standard. They should be writing sentences that are reflective of a year 4 standard. Please make sure that you have marked their LCWC as well.

We will mark the times tables in class on Friday morning, if you have already marked it great...if not, don't worry we will mark it together.

Also, please make sure that they are filling in their homework grid - either colouring the box or writing it in and that they are bringing it to you to be signed.

They are expected to:
  • Complete a LCWC each night (except for Monday)
  • Complete their Times Tables - they can work out the best way to do this...all in one go, a few questions each night...whatever works!
  • Sentences - 5 good ones with correct punctuation. 
  • 4 boxes - these are a mix of activities that cover different interests and need to be coloured or written in.
Please make sure they are bring them to you to get signed.

As always, thank you for your support on this. I know as for many of you the weeks may be busier with winter sports...I know mine certainly is. If there are any problems, I encourage the students to bring me what they have done...there may be a grumpy face that comes with this but it is important that they are taking this on themselves.

Thanks for a great start to the term, I look forward to seeing you in the coming weeks!

Kind regards, Caitlin 


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