Week 5 Brings the Sunshine!

 Good afternoon!

What a weekend...I had forgotten how good the sunshine feels and effective it is in drying clothes!! The simplest things as you get older!!

We have had such a great week in Year 4 and I am so pleased with how hard the children are working. We start our Monday's off with a bit of a touch base and update session on what the week will bring and during this time we also talk about our character strength focus for the week.

This week we are looking at the strength of Humility and how we can use that well and in ways to support and encourage ourselves and others to be at their best.

Any conversation that you can have with your child around this helps them understand their own strengths and how to use them well and to then use a strengths spotting lens to see it in others as well. See if this week you can use the language that praises their efforts through this strength lens.

See Saw - Last week I sent out links to those parents still needing them for See Saw.

A massive thank you to everyone that has signed up and has mentioned in my post last week, that code if unique to your child so please feel free to share it with other grownups that would love to know what your child is up to...I am trying to convince Mr Lee to let me have one so I can send one to my mum too!!

If you need another copy, please send me an email and I will get it sent home to you.

Mission Markets & Feast Day - We enjoyed a beautiful mass and a presentation which amazed the children with how much the school has changed. A massive thank you for your support, we had an awesome day and raised lots of money for the Catholic Mission!

Football - I am not sure if your son or daughter may have mentioned to you some problems that are bubbling currently amongst the players. A few concerns that are being mentioned are name calling, put downs around skill, unfair picking of teams and paying of free kicks and the conflict that arises when behaviour or a decision is challenged. 

All staff have been made aware of the situation and I am keeping a very close eye on things to ensure that all players are doing the right thing. 

Understandably players get frustrated and upset but if you can please remind your child to ensure that they are expressing that emotion appropriately and seeking the assistance of myself or the duty teacher if needed. 

This means there is to be no name calling, put down or derogatory language or physical contact made. These behaviours go against our school values and the  values of being a good sport.

These games at recess and lunch teach them the super important skills of teamwork, fair play, emotional regulation and how to be gracious in victory and defeat. The rules at school are different to those umpired in their games on weekend and don't count for premiership points.

Uthando Dolls - A massive thank you to those parents that were able to make it in for our session last week. If you are able to come in this week, we would love to have you!

Please make sure that you have signed in at the office before making your way down to our block.

Leading Wellbeing - Please be aware that I will be in Perth Tuesday and Wednesday this week completing my 4th and 5th days of the Leading Wellbeing program. 

Miss Kyla Posthumus will be in charge running the teaching and learning programme for those days.


Financial Planning Investigation - Just to let you know that your child may be bringing home some additional homework to work on this week. 

As part of our maths unit, the students have been working on a financial planning activity and many are now at different stages with the concluding activity. 

They have been given plenty of time to complete this in class but some will need to finish it at home as we are moving on to our next unit of work 

There is examples and guides on One Note for them to access and all should be very clear on what is to be completed and how. It does involve some work on their laptops but please monitor this as you see fit within your home.

This Power Point activity is to be completed by this Friday 20th August and will be assessed on this date. Your child is to incorporate this within their Homework Grid as they see fit.

Just a reminder to please make sure they or you are marking their words nightly or at the end of the week so that they can make any fix ups.

Have a fantastic week and enjoy the sunshine!



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