Week 6 Is Here!

 Good afternoon!

What another beautiful weekend! 

I was lucky enough to spend my time doing all sorts this weekend...I went down to check out the AFL 9's Competition on Friday night and it was so great to see so many people out there playing and having a ball...a perfect evening for footy! If you are keen to play, head on down...the teams always seem to need an extra player!

Saturday saw me sitting in the Emergency Department with Ella for most of the day...it turns out when she's still complaining about the finger V basketball injury from her game on Monday that there is a strong chance it may be broken! 

A visit to the Hand Clinic is on the horizon for us and hopefully the suggested 3 week hiatus from basketball is adjusted to missing no games at all!!

Sunday was all about the pooch walk, hanging out with my mum who had braved the traffic to come and visit, coffee and washing on the line....my nan would say it is a perfect drying day!

I am hopeful the weekend gave you all some time to do something that you enjoy and get ready for Week 6!

A few reminders for this week...

Character Strength Focus - We have a  great one this week, looking at the strength of Perspective! 

This is a valuable strength to tap into and draw on when things feel difficult or hard to navigate...we all have that friend that we turn to for perspective! As a family, can you identify times when you see this strength being used?

Year 4 End of Year Concert Dress - The theme for the end of year concert dress is ‘Casual Christmas Wear’. Christmas colours, t-shirts and Christmas accessories are all perfect for the occasion. 

The Year 4’s are also welcome to add some country flair to their outfit such as an Akubra style hat or even a Christmas coloured flanno! 

Please note that members of the choir are asked to wear white with any Christmas accessories they would like to add. 

Our Christmas Concert will be held on Tuesday 7th December beginning at 5.30pm.

Vinnie's Christmas Hamper Appeal - I will be placing a box in class for your donations to this very worthwhile cause...we are asking for tinned/packaged items that can be put into hampers for use on Christmas Day...think Christmas Pudding, decorations, Christmas Crackers etc...anything yummy or Christmassy!

Laptop Care - I received a great email from Janine Johnson our IT Coordinator with some excellent advice on what to do if there are any liquid spills close to your child's laptop.

Press the power button in for approximately 10 seconds to turn off the laptop.

    1. Do this immediately to minimise damage.
    2. Do not spend time saving your work and doing a normal shutdown.
    3. Turn the laptop upside down onto a towel (so it is as flat as possible)
    4. Leave the laptop off and let me know what has happened.
    5. Do not turn the laptop back on
    6. Do not put the laptop in a container of rice (rice may get stuck in the laptop and cause further damage)
I have also had a parent email letting me know that their child is missing their wireless mouse...can you please check your child has the right one and ensure that it is labelled as well to avoid any confusion please!

See Saw - A massive thank you to those parents that are taking the time to view the posts for their child and make comments. Ideally your child is sitting with you and sharing their learning, discussing what went into the activity and what they learnt from it.

This platform is all about sharing how your child is going in class to help you track their progress over the term, to provide feedback to your child and share a little something of what we get up to.

As mentioned previously, if the photograph/recording is not easy to view/hear, please take the time to show this to your child and share that feedback with them directly. 

We have spent a lot of time working on these skills and we will continue to do so to help the students develop these skills. The feedback you give to your child about their learning is invaluable! Don't forget that the QR Code that you were given can be shared with family members that would love to know what your child is up to!

This has been a steep learning curve for all of us...especially this old dog and I am always looking at new ways to present your child's learning in a meaningful, engaging and accessible way.  

If you are having any problems accessing See Saw, please do not hesitate to get in touch!

Wishing you all a fantastic Week 6!

Kind regards,



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