Week 4 is Here!

Good morning parents,

Another week in 4D has come and gone...I myself have no idea where it went! Thank you to those of you that checked in on me last week...I was not on the beach sunning myself in Bali...I was home on the couch with inflammation in my chest which was not so fun! I missed the kids so much....but I was very pleased to hear from the teachers that were in for me that the kids were excellent!


Mission Market Donations - We are in desperate need of more donations for our lucky dip bags for Thursday. If you have not already sent in your donations, can you please do so by tomorrow morning...at this stage we will only be able to make approximately 25 bags for sale between the two classes.

On Thursday morning we will walking down to Mass on Thursday morning to celebrate Mass at OLOTSC to begin at 9.30am. If you are able to join us you are most welcome!

Students are to wear their Sports Uniform for Thursday.

Uthando Dolls - A huge thank you to those helpers that were able to come in on Wednesday to help out...the kids had a wonderful time working on their dolls and I am looking forward to seeing them as they progress.

Just a reminder if you have any spare beads, buttons or coloured yarn we would be very grateful!

If you can also make sure that you have also sent in the $1 that will be used for postage...perhaps this could come from the child themselves if possible?

4D Performance Assembly - Will be on 23rd August...we will begin allocating roles this week so keep an eye out for a script in your child's bag. It has a superhero theme so hopefully it ties in well with this year's Book Week theme...I am asking that all students also bring with them a mask and a cape to wear for our item on the day in addition to their costume. These can be added to or a part of their original costume if needed.

STEM Friday's - On Friday the students will begin building their bridges. They will need to bring in the items that have decided on with their partner. Please check in with your child and prepare your cupboards to be raided...think straws, pop sticks, string, chicken wire, empty toilet and paper towel rolls, shoe boxes, pipe cleaners etc. This list has been written in their laptops so please check in with them! I would advise doing this before Friday morning to prevent additional stress!


In maths, we have been working hard on understanding fractions of a collect, equivalent fractions and we are now looking at mixed and improper fractions before moving on to adding and subtracting fractions with same denominators.

Any time you can point out parts of a fraction and a whole together that would be really helpful...particularly talking about how many parts things can be cut into...mealtimes, snack times or in prepping fruit for weekend sport helps to see maths outside the classroom!

Image result for fractions

Here is a great site that has some really interesting tips and info that might be helpful to share with them!

Fractions Explained

Image result for fractions


Please see below for the homework assigned for this week. If you can please support your child to complete all parts of their homework each week. This helps with their personal organisation and reduces their anxiety of getting in trouble when it is not done. 

1. Reading - Students are to read for 10 minutes each night.
2. Timetables - Free Choice -  Students are to practice at least 4 times throughout the week at home. Choose the challenging ones and please test them in and out of order verbally.

3. Mental Maths- Complete Unit 23, p 46 & 47. All sections are to be completed by Friday. These are marked in class every morning,

4. Spelling - the students are to complete LSCWC and their 'Words Within in Sentences' into their Homework 
books by Friday. 

Have a great week! 

I look forward to sending a thumbs up or high five your way if I see you!

Mrs Delane


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