Welcome to Term 4!

 Good afternoon parents,

Welcome back to another amazingly busy and fun term in 4DEL...we are looking at 45 days of fabulosity and learning to round out what has been an absolutely amazing year. I am so proud of all the kids and how far they have come, they have developed excellent learning habits and are such a beautifully kind and caring bunch...I will enjoy my last days with them but will miss them all very much!


SMMC Orientation Day - Is on this Friday 16th October, we will be leaving OLC at approximately 10.30 (we will have an early recess) and heading to MacKillop for 11am...the students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities to give them a taste of high school life. They will need to wear their normal sports uniform and bring their lunch...we will be having lunch at SMMC and will then return to school at approximately 1.30/2pm. Please note we will be absent over lunch so no canteen for our guys!

Uthando Dolls - These have been delivered to school and we will begin working on our doll creations beginning in Week 2 on a Thursday afternoon. If you are able to come in on a Thursday afternoon from 1.45 - 2.50pm, we would love to have you! 

No sewing skills necessary. This does not have a to be a regular commitment, if you can come every week...great, if just a one off...you will be welcomed with open arms!

All visitors for these sessions will need to sign in at the front office, receive their visitors badge and then make your way to the Year 4 classrooms.  If you have a sewing kit/machine/bag of tricks at home...please feel free to bring these in if you wish to.

Each pack comes with needles and thread, but if you have any excess that you don't mind bringing with you we would be eternally grateful!

Students will be working in assigned partners to create their dolls, they will need to make a face, hair, underwear, bag and a set of clothing for their doll. Each student will make their own outfit to be sent off with their doll. The idea is that we can have a number of adults working with a small group to help them with their dolls.

If you have any spare small, odd socks lying around...they make excellent underwear for the dolls! If you can send these in with your child, they will be gratefully received!

The dolls do require some pre-sewing to make them into the shape, Lauren Heitman and her mum have offered to get them started...if you are able to help, could you please let me know.

Important Dates - There are a few things on this term...as always! Here are the ones you need to know:

  • Ian Lillico Parent Workshop - Monday, 19th October 7-9pm in the school hall.
  • First Eucharist - Sunday 8th November at 10am at Our Lady of the Southern Cross Church. All Year 4 students are expected to attend to support their classmates making their First Eucharist.
  • Pupil Free Day - Monday 23rd November 
  • Year 6 Musical - Friday 27th November.
  • International Day of Disabilities - Friday 4th December
  • End of Year Christmas Concert - Tuesday 8th December (Further details to come)
  • Colour Run/Last Day of Term 4 - Friday 11th December.
Uniform Reminders - If I can just ask you to make sure that your child is coming to school with their hat each day...particularly coming in to Term 4 the weather is warm and hats are a necessity. We are back into the summer dress for the ladies and shorts for the boys.

Stationery Check - If I can ask that you take a moment to check in to make sure your child has red and blue pens, a ruler and scissors as well as an elusive glue stick or two please! 


As I mentioned before, the term will be busy getting through the last of our curriculum before they head off into the big, wide world of Year 5!

Our writing focus this term is Procedures...super helpful in getting them to be methodical in thinking about how to approach things. We will be making toast as a class and it is always super fun to have the students instruct me in the art of making toast...they think I am the numpty when I follow their instructions as they give them…the fact that I am placing the entire tub of butter on the bread or I am not able to make toast because they haven't told me to plug in the toaster is based completely on the quality of their instructions!

In maths we will be looking at symmetry, scales and maps as well as covering perimeter and area.

Our science focus this term is looking at Physical Sciences, understanding the forces that affect objects. 

Creating our dolls will be the basis of our Design Technologies which follows on from our previous unit last term looking at food and fibre production. 

In our Digital Technologies sessions we will be looking at collecting and representing data and how to present this digitally.

In our Friendology sessions we will be focusing on effective ways to communicate when putting out a friendship fire and as always...making sure that we are being kind and respectful in our interactions with those that we really like and those that we have to work a little harder on forming a connection with.


  • Spelling - LCWC each night and 3 words into sentences. Thank you so much for making sure that you are marking their words each night!!!
  • Tables practice
  • Champion Life - a challenge to be completed twice a week.
  • Reading - out loud 10-15 minutes each night
  • Additional Homework - Science Research Project
Have a good week, I look forward to when I can welcome you back into class...I miss you guys!

Mrs Delane


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