Welcome to Week 1

 Good morning parents,

I hope that you are enjoying the weekend and savouring this gorgeous weather! If your house is anything like mine, you probably have the washing machine going, bits and pieces everywhere and are trying to label uniforms and everything that your child owns ready for Monday!

It is a little bittersweet for me this year as my youngest is heading off to SMMC into Year 7 and this will be the first time in 9 years I have not had a child at OLC! Very, very strange feeling I can assure you!

Just a couple of reminders to hopefully help the coming week go smoothly...

Booklist Items - a couple of parents have reached out and let us know that some items are missing from their order...unfortunately for most it seems to be the clear covers for our books. This is not the end of the world...fingers crossed they are on their way and once they arrive you can send them in with your child. Any other items that are missing can just be sent in when they arrive...I am sure that we can manage. 

The most important thing I would say, if you are missing exercise or scrap books...please pop down to Coles or Sea Change to pick up the missing number...it often stresses the kids when they are asked to get out a book for their next class and they don't have it.

Water Bottles & Crunch n Sip - Please make sure you send these items in (if your child likes to have a nibble)...if your kids are anything like mine they have eaten me out of house and home these holidays and will be extra hungry the first few days back as they adjust to not being able to eat when they want.

As the weather is looking hot...please make sure they are bring a water bottle to school each day. I regularly encourage the students to drink and refill their bottles multiple times through the day.

Day 1 - As per our current COVID restrictions still being in Phase 4, you are welcome to walk your child to our door on Monday, say your farewells and then skip off to work, coffee, yoga or a child free (hopefully blissfully clean and quiet) home! I promise I will take care of them like they are my own!

For those of you that might not know where 4DEL is...we are located in the far block from the Office. If you walk past Mary's Garden around the side near Sloan Drive pick up you will find our door where the students will wait anxiously for me to throw it open!

Sloan Drive is the best place for pick up lane and parking...unless you have a younger child you are collecting.

Your child can hang their bag up on the hooks outside Year 5 to the left as you are looking at the Year 5 door.

I have included a copy of our timetable for Term 1 for those of you that may be needing to book in therapy sessions or music lessons. Please note this as a point of reference...our timetable in class is adjusted daily to reflect what we are up to.

You will notice that 4DEL students will need to wear their sports uniform on Tuesday's and Friday's.


Here are some important dates for your calendar to note. Please be advised that our website is 'the mother ship'...please check this if you are unsure. 

  • Friday 12th Feb - Whole School Mass OLOTSC @10am.
  • Wednesday 17th Feb - Ash Wednesday 
  • Monday 1st & Tuesday 2nd March - Public Holiday and Pupil Free Day.
  • Thursday 4th March - Swimming Carnival
  • Weeks 6 & 7 - Swimming Lessons - Old Dunsborough Boat Ramp 
* Eucharist Commitment Mass - Sunday 6th June (All students receiving the sacrament are expected to attend this mass with their families, prayer buddies are also invited).
* Eucharist Sacrament - Sunday 27th (All Year 4 students are expected to attend this mass).

am very much looking forward to welcoming these beautiful students into my class on Monday, Paula and Sean had lots of wonderful things to share about them! Please don't be too concerned if your child seems extra nervous...tell them I am too!

If your child is feeling worried about how their friendship group might change with the mix of classes, please reassure them that we join together regularly in our week and there is lots of opportunities to work with a variety of different people.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend,

Kind regards,



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