Welcome to Week 3, Term 2.

Good afternoon parents,

As I settle in to watch the Derby I am desperately hoping the Eagles will triumph over the Dockers. 

If they don't, there are many students that won't let me live it down!! Thankfully I bit back the urge to make a bet on the outcome...!!

It has been an amazing weekend weather wise and whilst Ella's team copped a schlacking on Friday night at hockey. Tobes' team brought it home with a 98 point win in footy yesterday! The Ducks won last night in a well contested game down at the Duck Pond! I need to come back to work for a rest!

A Couple of Points for the Coming Week...

Headphones - Can you please check in with your child to see that they have a set of working headphones. These are an often used item throughout our classes and all students need a set. 

The Clift Family - Many of you may have already seen the Go Fund Me that has been set up to help support the Clift family after the sudden passing of Dave Clift. 

I have included the link here if you are able to contribute, every little bit helps.

Clift Family Help

IAP & IEP's - These are called Individual Adjustment Plans or Individual Education Plans and are put in place by the classroom teacher with the support of the OLC Curriculum Team that outline any confirmed learning difficulties and share the strategies or adjustments that will be put in place to help support your child to be at their best in the classroom environment. 

An IEP may be put in place if your child requires any additional curriculum adjustments to be made to help them achieve their best.

These will be emailed out later this week for you to read through. If you have any questions on any of the content or strategies that are outlined in your child's IAP, please get in touch for further discussion or clarification.

I will also be sending home a hard copy with your child for you to sign and return so that it can be uploaded to your child's file. Thank you for your support with this!

Absentee Notes - It is a legal requirement that all absences for your child are accounted for. I will be sending home copies of an authority that needs to be filled in, signed and returned as soon as possible so that I can reconcile these outstanding absences.

If I can please ask, if you know that your child will be absent, please fill in the online absentee form found on the school website or phone the school. Any extended absences for holidays for example, need to have an extended leave form filled in. A copy of this can be collected from the beautiful Mrs Marrell!

Please also note:

  • Choir - Tuesday mornings with Mrs Sherbourne at 8am in the Library.
  • Running Club - Wednesday mornings with Mrs Sinclair at 8am on the oval. Students are to bring sneakers if it is not their sports day.
  • Dance Club - Friday mornings at 8am with Mrs Haines in the Hall!
Students are not to arrive at school before 8.20am unless it is for a scheduled event/meeting. If you need to drop your child earlier than this, please note that they will need to wait outside the office in the main courtyard. They are not remain outside of classrooms, play in the undercover area or oval as there is no supervision in place for these times.


On Wednesday, we were very lucky to have a visit from Peter Mitchell, the creator of the MJR Program that we run at school. He spent time with the students talking about the simple ways that we can show love and kindness and how a very small thing has enormous impact in changing someone's day.

He shared a beautiful story about a grandfather talking to his grandchild about the two wolves that live inside of us. He talks about the things we do to feed each wolf...the negative wolf is fed by behaviours of complaining, whining, blaming others, being unkind, not helping at home, not greeting people using their name and other similar things. 

He says that the positive wolf is made up of behaviours such as smiling at people, using names when you talk to people, saying thank you or sorry when we get it wrong, helping out at home, including people and being welcoming and encouraging.

He says that the wolf that wins is the one we feed...this is a beautiful story and one that really resonated with me and one I shared with my children as well. This is a big focus within our classroom - making sure that we are using manners and being kind to our teachers and classmates. I am really looking at how we can all be a team player!

I would appreciate you having a chat with your child and checking in with them to see how they think they are going with these and what, if anything they may be able to improve upon.

We are going full steam ahead with our writing, working on our drafts and getting ready to publish. We will then move on to looking at Information Reports which is loads of fun!

Our maths sessions have been going along well too, we have just finished up looking at equivalent fractions and Greater than and Less than...a tricky one but ask your child to explain this to you in action!

Our science lessons are also going well with some great learning around the process of pollination - hopefully you've watched The Bee Movie by now!

In our Friendology session last week we started learning about how positive friendships should feel...we will continue this discussion this week with a focus on what "I" can do to be the best friend that I can.


Hopefully the students are more familiar with the requirements around setting this up. Can I please ask you to make sure they are completing this work neatly. Ruling up is a huge one...if you aren't happy with how it looks, please feel free to make them do it again.

It is super important also that it makes it into class on a Friday. This is when we set up for the next week as well, this saves us time on a Monday morning as we are busy busy!

Have a fantastic week!

Mrs Delane


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