Art Creation - Potato Print

Good afternoon Year 4 parents,

This afternoon in our art session we looked at the works of Andy Warhol and his use of repetitive patterns and symbolism. We discussed some of his pieces of work and how it can be effective to repeat a symbol when creating art.

Students were then asked to create a list of things they value most - such as family, respect, trust, education or love as an example. From here, they were then asked to choose one they felt was most important and draw a variety of symbols to show this idea or value.

Next week during our art session on Monday afternoon we will be using stencils that the students have made out of potatoes...this is where we need your help! 

Over the week, students will continue to think about their symbols and then with your supervision create stencils in their potatoes and then bring these in to class on Monday to create their piece. 

We are very mindful of not wasting good food so the stencils will be used in multiple colours multiple times. 

They will only need to bring in 3-5 stencils at the VERY most. 

The students can use a variety of means to create their stencils - small paring knives (with supervision), cookie cutters or bamboo skewers are all effective.

Of course, this is about the students creating their own stencils under your supervision, they are more than welcome to test them at home but again, we are mindful of food waste!

Thank you very much for your support, we are all super excited to see this piece come together! 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Kindest regards,

Caitlin & Ben 


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