Week 4 Is Here

 Good afternoon parents,

Welcome to the week...what a change in weather we have had had! I had almost packed away the wood in preparation for the sunshine to warm my bones but no!


Potato Prints - Please make sure that your child comes to school tomorrow (Monday 9th) with their potato stencils ready to go. They can use bamboo skewers to create their stencils, cookie cutters or a knife under your supervision. 

I would suggest giving them some time to dry out and encourage your child to think about including a handle or leaving some room for them to grip on to and firmly use. 

They only need to bring in 2 or 3 stencils depending on their symbols as the goal of this activity is learning about the effectiveness of repetition.

Laptops - A note from Mrs Johnson.

Student laptops have 3 year warranty coverage plus accidental damage protection. 

If there is any issue with your child’s laptop please bring the laptop to Mrs Johnson to be looked at and repaired (if needed). 

Please do not try to fix any issues yourself as any damage incurred would not be covered as accidental damage and may incur a cost to fix.

Some tips:

  • Never force the charger into the laptop – if it doesn’t fit please see Mrs Johnson.
  • Never leave items on the laptop keyboard – closing the lid with items on the keyboard will crack the screen.
  • Always store the laptop in a safe place.

Thank you

Janine Johnson

ICT Coordinator


A reminder again, please support your child to bring their laptop to school every day. As the term progresses we are using our devices for a number of different activities throughout the day, specialist teachers also count on the students having their devices with them for their sessions as well.

See Saw - As per the information sent home a couple of weeks ago, I am super excited to be bringing this platform into 4DEL to use to show you some of the activities that we are completing in class as well as providing insight and feedback to your child and yourselves about how they are going.

Your child has brought home a copy of a QR Code that is specific to your child to be used to sign up to their account. 

Please note that this code can be used multiple times within the family so please feel free to share with grandparents or special grownups that would love to see what your child is up in class. 

Please make sure that you DO NOT share this kind via any kind of social platform though!

For those of you that have already joined, you will see that you can comment on the activity that has been uploaded into your child's journal which is awesome, your child would love to see this feedback! 

Please also use the activities to sit with your child and discuss more deeply what they have been up to. Have them show you the work on One Note as a starting point as well!

Your child will be uploading an activity each week for you to look at. These do require some moderation and feedback and I hope to have this completed for you ready to look at by Wednesday.

If you haven't already signed up, please do so in the coming days. Let me know if you need another copy of your QR Code and I will send one home with your child.

Mission Markets - These are on this Friday 13th August. Our goal is to deepen the children's understanding of the special work that is being done by Catholic Missions to support those in real need.

Catholic Mission - Thailand

This year, we are focusing on the students having a fantastic day that focuses on what they can do and give rather than what they can buy or take home. 

We are also very mindful of being as environmentally conscious as possible so prizes this year will be in the form of OLC Currency...unfortunately it won't pay for the shopping at Coles but the money the students raise will go towards hopefully winning an experience for the winning class! 

Please make sure that your child bring NO MORE than $20 in change - a combination of notes and coins are best as each stall only operates with a very small float and change is not always possible. Ideally, see if you can get them working this week to earn the money that they will be bringing!

Wishing you a fantastic week!



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