Week 7 Has Arrived

 Good evening,

A late publication this evening...been a busy one!

A massive thank you to everyone that was able to come to our Open Classroom on Wednesday, it was so lovely to see the classroom full and to hear the students talking you through what we have been up to. A tough gig after a massive day at the carnival but heartwarming none the less!

Just a couple of reminders for this week:

Cultural Excursion - On Monday 13th September, the Year 4 classes are lucky enough to be heading down to the Margaret River Rotary Park to participate in an excursion aimed at helping us to learn more about our amazing region. 

Ben and I have planned a great excursion with input from Josh Whiteland to help the students develop their awareness of Country and the history around the town.

We would love to have any available parents that can come and join us, ideally, we would love to take those parents that haven't as yet ventured off with us so please let me know if you would like to attend. 

We will be leaving school at approximately 9am and will arrive at MRRP by 9.45am and would love to have you meet us there. 

If you would like to assist with taking a group, please send me an email.

Science Research Project - In class tomorrow, I will be going through our project for this term. I will go through the outline with them and they will then begin working on these in class...there is an expectation that they will also work on this task at home as well as part of their weekly homework.

I will work out and notify the students when they will be presenting in Week 10.

Whats It Made Of?

Material Properties Investigation: Research Assignment

Due: Monday 20th – Wednesday 22nd September (WEEK 10)

TASK: You are challenged to think about why particular materials are used to make particular objects.

YOU ARE TO: Create a power point presentation that includes the 3 parts stated below. You will then need to present this during our Science lessons in Week 10. The presentation is to be no longer than 2 minutes. 

They will be given time in class to work on this project, but you will also need to work on it at home as needed.

A copy of their outline has been placed in their Science section in One Note for their reference and yours if needed.

Uthando Dolls - My sincerest apologies for the mess up last Wednesday...I was guilty of trying to do too many things at once and didn't proof my text before hitting send. 

I am so sorry for messing up anyone's afternoon...if you are able to make it this week, we would once again be super grateful for your support.

Have a fantastic week,



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