Welcome to Week 8!

Good afternoon parents,

Welcome to the week...it has been a long time between posts and for that I apologise. 

We have hit the ground running this week, welcoming a new student Saskia and her parents Astrid and Neville! Please make yourself known to them if you haven't already!

We have also been working hard on a number of projects that have kept us very busy!

As parents are now welcome back on grounds, please feel free to come on in and check out our learning space and see some of the work on display!

A few reminders for the coming week...

Hero Projects - We have been working on these this week and students will have their Health sessions to finalise them. 

Some students may have some final details to be added...this is to be worked on at home if needed and students will need to be ready to present next week - 4DAN on Tuesday and 4DEL on Wednesday.

There may be some continuation of presentations on to other days in case we don't get through them all but ALL students are expected to be ready to present. 

This is the first opportunity that many students will have had to present in front of their peers and it is normal for them to feel nervous...we have talked about how to manage these feelings and that this is an important skill to be practiced in a safe and comfortable space.

I went through the assessment rubric with students in 4DAN today and will do so with students in 4DEL tomorrow so they are clear on how they will be assessed for their presentation.

The outline for their presentation and this rubric can be found in their Health section on One Note.

Cross Country - Is on this coming Thursday, all students will be expected to attend school and participate to the best of their ability. I realise that some students look forward to this day all year and others do not enjoy it at all...both are okay!

Students are asked to wear their faction shirts and the first race will begin with Year 1 at 9.15am. Any questions about this day can be directed to mandy.sinclair@cewa.edu.au

Ludlow Forest Tree Planting Excursion - We have once again been invited by the Ludlow Forest Group to attend a tree planting day on Monday 27th June (Week 10).

Students are to wear their sports uniform and consider packing gumboots/work boots or not their best sneakers as it can get muddy and dirty.

This is a wonderful opportunity for the students to contribute to their community through service and is a fantastic experience! 

I suggest packing a wet weather jacket in case of rain...we will plant no matter the weather (unless it is really dangerous!)

We would love to have 2-3 parents from each class attend...we will ask that you make your own way there meeting us at the Ludlow settlement, 21 Ludlow Road North, Ludlow at 9.30am. 

The planting site is just a few hundred metres north of the settlement entrance...this may change so we will meet our guide and then drive to the planting site.

if you would like to join us, please send me an email registering your availability!

Stationery - If you can please check in with your child to see what items they may be missing, I would be most grateful...a lot of the students are missing glue sticks...these seem to grow legs and run away and are the number 1 contributor to stress about not being ready for lessons!

General Classroom Behaviour - The last couple of weeks have seen an increase in some general, low-level classroom behaviours that are making our days a little more difficult than they need to be.

These include not wearing uniforms correctly, speaking unkindly or excluding others, speaking whilst teachers are speaking (myself and other specialist teachers), not using manners to say please or thank you and answering back when corrected.

I have the most beautiful students in the school and these behaviours are minor but it is important that students remember they are expected to adhere to classroom standards of behaviour and these are different to what they may be at home or out in the playground.

If I can ask that you take a moment to check in with your child on this and remind them about appropriate ways to behave within our class. If there is a need to speak specifically to you about your child, I will get in touch with you directly.

I prefer to be proactive on these kinds of things and working with you as a amazing parent group is the best way to do so, I appreciate the support!

Wishing you a fantastic week,

Mrs Delane


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