It's Week 3 Already!

 Good afternoon!

What a day...isn't it amazing how re-energising some sun can has been a good drying day as my Nan used to say. 

Whilst hanging my third load of washing I spent a pleasant couple of minutes observing the bees humming around one of the plants in our garden...thank goodness for bees!

A few reminders for this week...

Haircuts & Uniforms - Most students are through the changeover and enjoying the simple summer wear but can I please remind you about hair styles.

I mentioned this in my post before the holidays but I still have a number of students coming with their hair past their collar or covering their faces as well as wearing all sorts of different coloured hair elastics and ribbons in their hair. 

As per our current policy, hair that falls below the collar of the white shirt or summer dress must be tied back neatly, in a style that will last the day. 

Fringes that cover your child's face must also be pinned back securely in a way that will also last the day.

Some students are wearing headbands which is great but these are taken on and off multiple times a day which is frustrating to see, as our uniform expectations at a school and classroom level have been made very clear.

If your son or daughter has hair below their collar it must be tied up securely. If their fringe covers their face it must be pinned back securely, alternatively, please book in for a trim and tidy as soon as possible.

Hair elastics must be in the black, white or teal colour scheme.

I do appreciate that current styles are not the short back and sides that we have seen in the past and I fully appreciate the desire for self-expression but we do need to adhere to our school policy. 

Your support in this matter is greatly appreciated!

Class Mass - On Wednesday 26th October some classes (of which we are one) will be walking down to church with our buddies to celebrate mass with the parishioners for the first time in a very long time! 

This is a lovely opportunity for the students to engage in their faith and spend some time with their buddies on the walk down. We will be leaving school at 9.10 am in order to arrive for mass to begin at 9.30am.

Any parents wishing to join us area warmly invited to do so if you are able!

Swimming Trials - We will be completing these this Tuesday 25th October. We will be leaving school promptly at 8.45am so if you can please make sure that your child is on time on this day.

Students are to wear their sports uniform.

Your child will need to bring the following:

  • Bathers - worn underneath their sports uniform with plenty of sunscreen already applied.
  • Rashie - This is not optional - all students MUST wear a rashie as we will be swimming in the outside pool. If your child doesn't bring their rashie on Tuesday, they will need to swim in their sports short which makes life difficult for when they get back to school.
  • Towel
  • Goggles
  • Thongs - to be worn to and from the pool
  • School Hat
  • Recess and plenty of Water - We will be back in time for a later recess but please factor in that your child may be a little hungrier than usual after a big day!

Our swimming carnival will be held at Geographe Leisure Centre on Friday 4th November.

Grandparents Day - We are so excited to have this beautiful event happening on Friday 28th October. 

Grandparents are invited to attend afternoon tea beginning at 1.30pm in the hall, they will then move into the children's classrooms to spend some time looking at what they have ben up to and enjoying the learning space. 

All grandparents are then invited to attend our special Grandparent's Assembly being present by 5R beginning at 2.30pm.

World Teacher's Day - We will also be celebrating World Teacher's Day on Friday which is a special day for all teachers who have answered the call to join this highly rewarding vocation.

PAT Assessments - Due to the large number of students that were absent last week, Mr Danaher and I decided that we would hold off beginning these assessments until this week.  

These are part of our whole school assessment schedule and will be completed over the next two weeks, beginning on Thursday.

If you can please support your child to make sure that your child brings their laptop to school each 


After a great start to the term, it was not a great showing on Friday with only 6 students bringing their homework in. 

I realise students are tired and family life can be busy but please support your child to complete their homework as best you's an important habit that needs to be developed as your child moves through their schooling. 

It is super important that it is completed and then brought in.

I hope that you are all enjoying the start to Basketball season!

Have a great week,

Mrs Delane 


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