Week 9 Online Learning

Good morning all,
It really has been an interesting couple of weeks to say the very least but we are moving forward and trying hard to stay as positive as possible! I hope you've had a somewhat restful weekend? I've given in to my inner compulsion and cleaned the whole house top to bottom! As you can appreciate, it lasted about 7 minutes!
I also used part of the day to get my own kids organised for the coming week, I got them to pull out and organise their books and we have stored them in a little trolley that is easy to pull out and put away at the end of each day...this is important for me so that I don't have to deal with mess but also it signals the end to the school day.
During the uncertainty of the last couple of weeks I know there are feelings of stress and anxiety coupled with uncertainty over work situations and how on earth as parents we are going to make it all work?? The closure of school has also added a different kind of stress and pressure in asking for your support in now being a teacher to your children. 
Some great advice that I have seen and totally agree with are:
  1. You don't need to try to replicate the whole school experience, do what works for you and family.
  2. Please be easy on yourself - keep in mind that I've been doing this a while...908 years I keep telling the kids and home learning looks nothing like in class learning. Please reach out if you need a hand and let me support you when you need it!
  3. Remember the things things will benefit your child the most right now in terms of home education: reading, cooking, gardening, playing music, dancing and enjoying nature and its wonders with your child and cuddles...lots of cuddles and closeness!
  4. Above all, keep being the kind, calm role-model your child needs through this challenging time. You do you!
  5. For those parents wanting any tech  support - I am here.  I am currently learning and evaluating how we can try to adapt our teaching methods to digital based and try to help you and your child  in this new education scenario. 
I will be doing a parent check-in on Teams on Monday at 1.30pm  for anyone who has any queries. I have already sent out an invitation for this Monday through your child's Team, so I look forward to chatting with you then if you are available.

This week I will also carry out a student check-in each day at 9am. This will be a quick attendance chat and check in. Your child is to have their camera and microphone off  and I will get them to turn them on individually as we check in.

The students will be rostered on a particular day for their Guided Reading Sessions. this invitation has been sent through Teams and is scheduled for 10am. If your child has a question, they can message me on Teams and I will reply to their question as quickly as possible.

All activities have been uploaded onto OneNote into the students folders under the correct subject.
If I can ask that you please mark your child's work at the end of each session/day, whichever works best for you and then they are to upload it to their One Note under the correct folder.

Mr Danaher has created videos to assist with anyone who is not sure what to do.These will be on One Note in the video section.

​Finally, thank you so much for all of the hard work you have done this week at home with your child. I really appreciate the effort you are putting in, I know it's not easy. 
Please feel free to email or message me on Teams if you have any further questions, we are all in this together!

Thank you for your continued support and assistance,
Caitlin Delane xx


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