Chemical Sciences Research Project & Presentation

 Good morning parents,

As part of our learning around our Chemical Sciences Unit, the students have been given today a research project in which they will be asked to look at the properties and materials of a chosen object.

They will be given time to work on this project in class (beginning next week - Week 6) and at home as needed. Students will be asked to create a Power Point presentation that they will present in Week 9 and they will also be asked to conduct an experiment that shows one of the properties of their chosen object being tested.

I have gone through the outline with both classes today and have given them a hard copy of the task outline. A digital copy has also been placed in their Science folder on One Note.

I have also included the link here for you to peruse - Chemical Sciences Research Presentation

Whilst your support at home is always greatly appreciated, please make sure that the work is entirely of your child's own making.

Kind regards,

Mrs Delane 


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