Week 10 Has Arrived...How?!
Good afternoon parents,
I hope that you are keeping warm on this particularly chilly Sunday...the fire is cranking at our place and my toes are toasty warm in my Uggs which I am so grateful for!
Before I continue my post for this week, I would like to ask you to please check your inbox for an email from myself and Mrs Haines about the behaviour of 4DEL during our dance class on Friday. Your support in this matter is greatly appreciated!
Eucharist - I am super excited this event is so close!! We will be spending time this week finalising our learning and practicing so that Sunday runs smoothly.
If you child was asked to do a reading during Sunday's service, they brought home a copy of this last week. If you can please practice this with them through the week, I would be most grateful.
If you can focus on pause and expression that would be great!- Please be at OLOTSC by 8.15am on Sunday morning, dressed and ready to go. On arrival, if you can please check in using the SAFE WA App and then make your way to your seat.
- Communicants are to be dressed in their Sunday best in white/light colours.
- Only the communicant/prayer buddy and immediate family will fit in the family pew. Any additional family members will need to find a seat at the back or upstairs.
- If we can please ensure that whilst each student is receiving Eucharist that we are all silent during this time...this is not a time to make conversation with other families but a chance to be still and reflective and share in this experience with your child.
- After mass has concluded, the communicants and prayer buddies will receive their certificates and we would like to invite you to stay for a celebratory cupcake and cuppa!
Miss Tickner's Last Week - As you know Miss Tickner has been completing her final placement in our class and her last day is this Friday 25th June. I will organise a gift from the class to express our appreciation for her hard work to be given on Friday.
If your child would like to make a small card to be included with this, I am sure that she would be most grateful!
Parent Meetings - I have had a couple of emails from parents recently asking for meetings to discuss their child's progress for the first semester. As you can appreciate, I have just finalised comments and grades for each learning area as part of our formal reporting process and these are with Mr Lee to be checked.
My reports are very comprehensive and give clear and specific details around a student's progress over the semester and any points for improvement. They also incorporate attitude and effort over all learning areas as well as a general comment.
If your child will be receiving a D in either Literacy or Numeracy I will be in touch to organise a meeting to discuss this in more detail. If you wish to meet me with me next term to discuss your child's report and what they may need to work on, we can organise a time to do so.
New Exercise Books - Starting next semester, we will be beginning a new Writing, Reading, Maths and Homework books. This is because for most of the students they are full!
If you can please make sure that you check with your child that they still have spare exercise books at home or that you send them in with them on Day 1 of Term 3. Their covers are of course reusable but check if they need any of these replaced?
Mrs Delane on LSL - I would like to share with you that I will be taking the first two weeks of Term 3 off as part of my Long Service Leave. I am so pleased to share that Mrs Serena O'Brien will be in charge, along with Mr Danaher of course.
I am looking forward to my first foray in the LSL world and plan on spending it walking my dog and drinking lots of coffee!
Mr Danaher and I will spend time together on the holidays planning for the coming term and Mrs O'Brien will implement this teaching and learning program whilst I am gone.
A note from Miss T...
It's been a busy week here at 4DEL!
In writing this week, students have worked hard to complete their 'Fact Files' on their chosen bird of prey. I was pleased to see the range of facts gathered and their ability to work mostly independently on this research task. With this information, they will start working on their draft informative text this coming week. I am looking forward to reading these over the next few days!
Moving on to maths, we have wrapped up our probability and chance unit - it was great to see the majority of students gaining confidence in this particular maths learning area. I think that given this topic is more relatable to student lives, it allows them to make connections between the maths content and their everyday life experiences. This coming week, we will be moving on to geometry and looking at identifying different angles.
With the students' Holy Communion fast approaching, we are still focusing on exploring the Eucharist during our Religion lessons. Over the coming days, students will be learning about the meaning of 'communion' and exploring the Eucharistic symbols through art activities. Students have really enjoyed taking some down time during this busy time of the term to create beautiful, coloured artworks which are reflective of their understanding of the Eucharist.
In science this coming week, students will be investigating various seeds from both fruits and vegetables, along with learning about the important relationship ants play in the distribution of seeds as part of a plant's life cycle.
This will lead onto students exploring the school grounds and observing an actual ant nest in subsequent lessons, which will be great fun!"
Tree Planting - Last Monday we had a fantastic day out planting trees in the Ludlow Forest. We absolutely nailed it and planted over 1200 trees, the students were amazing and worked super hard on this and had the best time!
Wishing you a fantastic week...stay warm!
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