
Showing posts from September, 2021

Week 10, Term 3 Update

 Good afternoon... We made it to Week 10, I feel like it was Week 5 about 7 minutes ago and suddenly we are getting ready to wrap up another term. Time sure does fly! I would like firstly to congratulate Stellan, Marley and Ari (Year 6) on receiving their First Eucharist on Saturday night, it was a beautiful mass with Fr Israel and the boys did themselves and their families proud.  Thank you to those Year 4 families that came along to support the boys, you are greatly appreciated! Excursion - We also had an absolutely awesome time at our excursion last week!. Whilst we were there, we had the opportunity to spend time observing the local flora and fauna on our bushwalk to Barret Street Weir. This gave us a great chance to visualise what the landscape looked like before settlement was established in Margaret River.  On the walk we also had our eyes peeled for any chewed honky nuts! We then used an identification sheet to help us work out which type of cockat...

Week 9 Is here!

Good afternoon parents, Welcome to the has been a slightly disappointing one in the Delane household as Ella's hockey team was knocked out of the finals in the second set of one on not a fun way to lose! Although after being 1-0 down all game she scored the goal to tie it up and force the one on ones, she made the first but missed the second and our goalie who had played an absolute blinder just couldn't sustain it. We then front up to Bovell on Saturday morning for what we knew would be a tough game for the boys! It sure was, Saints had us early but then we made it back in the third and fourth quarter to bring it to 8 points but we just couldn't get there!  Overall an excellent representation for Dunsborough football with 5 teams in the GF's, we managed the silverware on 2 which is a great sign for Dunsborough football! Although disappointed I am finding the joy in my week suddenly looking a whole lot more open! Focus Character Strength  - This week...

Week 8 Update

 Good afternoon, What a day! Wishing all of the 4DEL dad's a very Happy Father's Day...thank you for all you do to support your wonderful kids!  I hope that you have spent a small part of the day doing something for yourself and if you're currently away, I hope you have sent your detailed plan through to be executed when you get home! A few updates and reminders for the coming weeks... Character Strength of the Week - This week we are looking at noticing how we can use our strength of Judgement in the sweet spot! When we tie this back to the examples  that Jesus set for us we can see how it is important to take time to listen to others carefully and make decisions that honour who we are as people.   Hats - With the return of the sunshine, it is becoming more noticeable that many students don't have a hat in their bag. Our school policy is no hat, no play, which means that students aren't able to move around as freely at recess and lunch times. I also require t...