Week 8 Update

 Good afternoon,

What a day! Wishing all of the 4DEL dad's a very Happy Father's Day...thank you for all you do to support your wonderful kids! 

I hope that you have spent a small part of the day doing something for yourself and if you're currently away, I hope you have sent your detailed plan through to be executed when you get home!

A few updates and reminders for the coming weeks...

Character Strength of the Week - This week we are looking at noticing how we can use our strength of Judgement in the sweet spot!

When we tie this back to the examples  that Jesus set for us we can see how it is important to take time to listen to others carefully and make decisions that honour who we are as people.  

Hats - With the return of the sunshine, it is becoming more noticeable that many students don't have a hat in their bag. Our school policy is no hat, no play, which means that students aren't able to move around as freely at recess and lunch times. I also require the students to wear their hats during daily fitness. 

As you can appreciate, it is super important that the students have plenty of time to run and move their bodies in our break times so a hat is vital for this!

Can I ask that you check in with your child to see if they have their hat already in their bag with their name clearly marked...if theirs is missing, check the lost property tub...it is currently overflowing or please order them a new one.

School Photos - Are on this Thursday 9th September, please make sure that your child comes to school looking extra schmicko with their hair neatly groomed and that you have organised in advance any haircuts. 

Students are asked to wear their full winter uniform for this day, if you can make sure their jumper comes to school with them please if they don't wish to wear it.

A remind if you would like to have a family photograph taken, you will need to collect an order form from the office and make payment on that separately prior to photo day and then send that envelope in with your child...clear as mud?

Cultural Excursion - Monday 13th September - A huge thank you to the parents that have volunteered to come with us, we are super grateful! 

If anyone else would like to attend, the more the merrier. This is a free excursion, with the only criteria being that you meet us there!

A reminder that your child is to wear their sports uniform with the teal shirt on this day and bring their usual recess and lunch. A rain jacket or brolly would be helpful if the weather doesn't look great! 

RUOK Day - Is being celebrated on Thursday 9th September. This is an excellent opportunity to do a couple of things...firstly, ask those we care about how they are doing and secondly, to really listen to their response. 

Check out the link here for some great tips and information to help spread the message!


St Mary McKillop Excursion - We have been invited by SMMC to attend an Orientation Day at their campus on the 15th October. Your child would have brought home a permission slip last week, if you can please fill it in and then sign it and have your child bring it in, that would be great.

This is a great opportunity for the students to try the funnest parts of high school and for you to have a bit of a sticky beak if you are considering sending your child to SMMC.

All students will attend even if you will not be enrolling them at SMMC.

Footy Colours Day - On the last day of Term 3, Friday 24th September. We will be having a footy/sports colours day with a gold coin donation. All funds raised will go towards our Pastoral Care Fridge and St Vinnies. Thanks for your support!

Homework - Week 8

I have had a few parents get in touch recently with comments that their child is not bringing their books home to complete or that their words haven't been checked. Just to clarify the routine that happens in 4DEL every week is...

Monday - We complete our explicit session around our sound for the week. Students then copy their weekly words into their homework books, bring it to me to be checked and then take it out to their bags ready for the week at home.

Friday - Homework is due in. Students bring in their completed homework to be marked off and then collect their new grid and times tables sheet to be glued in ready for the next week. 

Homework books then stay in drawers until we need them again on Monday.

If your child is absent on Friday, all leftover copies are placed on the board for your child to collect and get organised during Gathering Time on Monday. 

This has been our routine since Week 2 of Term 1 and it is very familiar to the students.

If your child misses multiple days of school, where possible, I still ask them to complete their homework. In your child's One Note, in their Spelling - Term 3 tab, I always place their homework words for just in case.

Even if they don't have their book, they can complete the LCWC and set of 5 sentences, write out their tables for the week and make a note of any exercise or household chores completed.

Please note that for the next couple of weeks, they are being asked to work on their Science presentations at home. Again, details of this is in their Science folder on One Note.

I absolutely understand that life happens and homework can be difficult to complete, if you are having any particular dramas, please send me an email so I can have a chat with your child to see if they need any additional support or guidance around the importance of completing assigned work.

Coming to the end of the Term and into Term 4, the expectation is that students are completing and then bringing in their homework each week. 

Moving forward, I will be asking students with incomplete homework to finish it through their recess or lunch once they have eaten. I will also be sending you an email to let you know so that you are also in the loop.

I hope this helps you to understand the routine and answers any questions you may have.

Have a great week,



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