Week 5 Update

Good afternoon parents,

Welcome to another fantastic week in Year 3...can you tell I am very excited about the sunshine that is around?! We had a great walk out to Castle Rock yesterday afternoon and I feel re-energised for the very busy week ahead!


OLC Feast Day Mass - is on this Wednesday 15th August. We will be hosting the mass here at school in our hall beginning at 9am. All parents are invited to attend if you are able.

Mission Markets - These will be held on Wednesday between 11.30 and 12.45pm. We ask that all students bring in a small amount of change in different denominations with a cloth or reusable bag to store their loot! Thank you to Sara Drmota and Anna Sidebotham for volunteering to help us run our stall...it would be great if I could have another couple of volunteers please?

If you can please make sure that you have sent in your block of nut free chocolate and a bag of wrapped chocolates by tomorrow afternoon.

Operation Christmas Shoebox - if you can please send these items in by the 7th September that would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions about the suitability of your chosen items or any concerns about participating, please let me know.

Information Report Fact File - please note these are due tomorrow. We will begin working on these during our writing time in the morning. I will be attending meetings from 9-12pm tomorrow morning and Mrs Trish Dorrington will be in for me. Mr McSevich will go through the activity with the children and set them to work.

Please make sure that your child has completed this task and brings it to school with them in the morning.

I would just like to let you know that I have been called up for Jury Duty on Monday 20th August in Busselton...this is my second time in two years so I don't know if I am doing something right or wrong? As you can appreciate, I have no idea how long this process will take...I am very hopeful it is just the day and they take know look at me and send me packing!

Bishops Literacy Test - this will take place on Thursday 16th August and will be run by myself and Mrs Meyer.

Confirmation - Mrs Meyer sent an email yesterday asking for students to attend mass on Saturday night to help sing in the choir. These are a great way to build our school community and I would be personally grateful to anyone who is able to get there child there.

Important Dates

  • 23rd & 24th August - School Photos
  • 29th August - Yr 2-6 Jumps Carnival
  • 30th August - Book Week Dress Up Day and Incursion. This year's theme is 'Find Your Treasure'...I am open to any costume suggestions!
  • 31st August - Father's Day Breakfast - please make sure you have RSVP'd to fran.marrell@cewa.edu.au

We have been very busy in our literacy sessions looking at a variety of informative texts. We will begin writing these using our fact files on Tuesday morning. It has been a great opportunity to read a wide range of texts through our Guided Reading sessions and on Reading Eggspress through the assignments that the students are working through.

In religion we have been looking at the importance of Mary within our church leading up to her Feast Day on Wednesday. The students will be completing a variety of activities about Mary in the coming days.

In HASS we have been learning about Indonesia as one of Australia's closest neighbours, we will begin looking at Papua New Guinea this week. We are looking at at their climates. type of government and different places found there.

In maths we have been looking at mass and working out equivalent weights. We had a great session this morning trying to balance our scales and estimate just how many erasers and magnets would even out the scales!

Mrs Annert kindly played photographer...I don't have a selfie stick!

In our problem solving sessions on a Friday we have been looking at using the Make a List strategy. This focuses on starting at a certain point and listing out numbers, colours, items etc until the answer to the problem becomes apparent.


Reading - If you can please make sure that your child is reading out loud to you each night. This is an important skill in helping them to decode unfamiliar words and to attend to meaning - this means that they realise that what they are reading may not make sense if they have changed/missed/substituted a word. It is great if your child loves to read whilst they are getting ready for bed and I strongly encourage this reading for pleasure...please make sure that both is happening.

Spelling - Students are to complete a LCWC of their list words for the week. These are review words for this week as they will be tested on the words covered over the past months - a quick run through for your child would be great for their confidence!

Sight Words - If you can please work with your child to complete these every night.

Mental Maths - Students are to complete Days 1-4 of Unit 24 This is marked daily in class each morning. It is fine if students work ahead on this.

Times Tables - Activity Sheet - 10 Times Tables. Students are asked to write out their tables in order on Monday and Tuesday nights and then complete them out of order on Wednesday and Thursday nights.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Wishing you a wonderful week and I look forward to seeing you at Mass if you can make it. 

Mrs Delane 


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