Welcome to Week 5

Good afternoon parents,

Welcome to another fantastic week...the year is just slipping by. My kids have the Friday countdown to Christmas happening already...so not ready!


Year 4 1:1 Device Parent Information Night - This is on this Thursday 8th November beginning at 6pm. This will give you the information about the device needed for your child moving into Year 4 next year. It would be great if one or both parents are able to attend.

Stationery Items - If I can ask you to please check in with your child if they need any stationery items - there are a lot of students needing glue at the moment...they are as rare as hens teeth! Please take a moment to update their pencil case, I do know it is the end of the term but it creates a lot of stress for the students when they don't have what they need and are then relying on others to help them out.

Remembrance Day Service - We will be having a small commemorative service on Friday 9th November beginning at 10.40am in the hall. You are warmly invited to attend if you are able to.

OLC FETE - Is on this Sunday...if you are anything like my family you will have your name down on multiple rosters and will spend a fortune! I look forward to seeing you there!


We have been very busy here in Year 3. We have been looking at using the Inferring strategy in our Reading Comprehension lessons with Miss Ivers where we have had to use the clues given to us by the author to make an inference that we can then back up with our evidence.

Come in and check out our Me Box activity - in this the students were asked to draw items that other students would then make inferences about.

In our writing we have been looking at the purpose and structure of a haiku poem. Today in class we began writing our own haiku poem about chocolate! We had a chance to smell and taste some delicious chocolate which provided the writing prompt for our poems. We will have these published by the end of this week, we can't wait to share them with you!

We have been working on Money in our Maths lessons, we have been identifying Australian coins and using different coins to show an amount. We have also been looking at making change using the counting up strategy...it has been great fun playing shopkeeper!

In our art lessons, we have begun looking at the work of the street artist Invader. His plan is similar to the video game 'Space Invader' to 'score' as many pieces of his work in a city as possible. He uses a pixelated form of art showing popular cartoon and video game characters.

The students will be creating their own piece of Invader style artwork using pieces of cut up paper to mimic his mosaic tile style. We will continue working on these this coming Friday.


Reading - If you can please make sure that your child is reading out loud to you each night. 

Spelling - Students are to complete a LCWC of their list words for the week.

Sight Words - If you can please work with your child to complete these every night if they are still working through them.

Mental Maths - Students are to complete their 3 times tables activity sheet. This is to be worked on over the week and will be marked on Friday morning.

Have a great week and try to find some sunshine if you can!

Mrs Delane 


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