Week 5 - Term 2 Update

Good morning parents,

Welcome to another fantastic week here in 4D...I hope that you enjoyed the Sir Doug Nicholls Indigenous Round as much as I did. It provided a great talking point for us this morning during our reading comprehension strategy time in which we looked at a video discussing the Stolen Generation which will be a focus for us this week as we celebrate National Sorry Day today and Reconciliation Day tomorrow. 

This Friday we will be celebrating Mass as a whole school here in the Hall beginning at 9am and the students will be working on writing a prayer in line with the conversations that we are having about National Sorry and Reconciliation Day. We are all working on a whole school display to be put up at school showing our respect and empathy for those affected.


Change to Homework - Please note that we have moved part of the students spelling homework on to One Note. Your child will be asked complete their Words into a Sentence on their One Note but will still complete their LCWC in their homework books. If this creates a problem for you at home with the technology considerations - it is fine for students to complete these in their homework books.

Making this change is going to help them to practice and improve their typing skills and increases familiarity and proficiency with the use of their computers and One Note.

Ngilgi Cage Re vegetation & Adventure Tour Promo Excursion - On Friday 7th June, the Year 4 students have been invited by Andre Courtis, MRBTA Education Officer to assist with some replanting of native vegetation around the Ngilgi Cave grounds.

During this time, Andre has asked for 14 volunteers to undertake an Adventure Tour in which promotional shots will be taken to be used in future MRBTA advertising. Those students that have been chosen will bring home an image release form to be signed by their parents and returned to school by Wednesday 5th June.

A separate permission slip will be sent home with your child today - this will need to be filled in, signed and returned by Friday 31st May. 

We would love to have 2 parent helpers from each class to assist with the planting if you are able to? You will need to bring your own gloves! Please let me know if you are able to assist - further details will be included in the permission slip.

Whole School Mass - as mentioned above we will be sharing a whole school mass on Friday 31st May beginning at 9am. You are warmly invited to attend if you are able.

Headphones - Can we please remind you that ALL children must come with a set of working headphones. They are used multiple times a day and students are missing out on crucial learning activities if they do not have them.

Computers - as the term has progressed there has been an increase in the number of students who have either forgotten their laptop or it is not charged enough for a day of learning. This is making life difficult for them as we plan multiple activities throughout the day that require the use of their laptop. 

If your child does not bring their laptop or it runs out of charge, they will be issued with an Infringement Notice which will be taken to Mr Torrese or Mr Wilkie to be signed and then it will be brought home to you to be signed and then returned to school to the teacher that issued it. 

By this time of the year, we feel that students should be responsible for the care of their computer. Most importantly, please encourage your child to check their cables are correctly plugged in and that the power is on. Yes, it seems simple but these are what students are feeding back to us.

June Long Weekend & Catholic Day - please be aware that you will have an extra long weekend as OLC staff will be taking their Catholic Day on the Tuesday. School will resume on Wednesday 5th June...enjoy the extra long break!


Please see below for the homework assigned for this week. If you can please support your child to complete all parts of their homework each week. This helps with their personal organisation and reduces their anxiety of getting in trouble when it is not done. 

We have also asked the students to show you their One Note diary page each week to help keep you up to date with what is happening - we feel that this helps them to build diary and organisation skills which are important foundations to build on as they move through their schooling.
1. Reading - Students are to read for 10 minutes each night.

2. Timetables - Personal Review - The students are to choose the tables they feel they most need to work on based on their recent times tables test and then practice at least 4 times throughout the week at home. 

3. Mental Maths- Complete Unit 14, p 28 & 29. This will be marked each morning.

4. Spelling - the students are to complete LSCWC with their spelling words each night and put their words into a appropriate sentence on their One Note document. These are due in on Friday.

Have a good week,

Mrs Delane


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