Week 6 - Term 2

Good morning parents,

Welcome to Week 6, it will be short, sweet and action packed!


Ngilgi Cave Excursion - This is on this Friday 7th June and we will go ahead rain, hail or shine! We will only cancel the day if there is a risk of thunderstorms. I have sent a more detailed email out a few moments ago which outlines the plans and necessary items for the day. Thank you to Tania Piaggi and Eliza Blakburn for volunteering to come and help us for the day - a big thank you to all the other parents that volunteered!

Eucharist Paperwork - A reminder that some Eucharist candidates still need to return their list of sacraments received, notice of intention to receive the wine and the $10. If you can please send these in as soon as possible, check with me if you are not sure!


We have been working really hard in the last few weeks. We have created some beautiful tree art pieces which helped us to learn about warm and cool colours. We have just started looking at using lines to help us create a landscape as well as the concepts of foreground, middle ground and background.

In our Health - Keeping Safe lessons, we have been learning about the Rights of Children and how these should be the same for all children all over the world. We watched some great clips which share how the experiences of children differ all over the world and that we should be very grateful to live where we do. We also discussed the importance of doing what we can to help others wherever possible. We had a great discussion as well about what constitutes a right...new sneakers are not a right! The students understand that with these rights comes great responsibility.

In our science lessons we had a great look at how force affects objects. The students planned and conducted experiments which tested their hypothesis on this. I was really pleased with the creativity and ingenuity shown by the students...no two experiments were the same which was great!

In maths we had a ball(a very wet one for some groups) looking at capacity and displacement - we investigated how we could calculate the volume of an object based on how much water was displaced.

We had a fantastic time learning a lot about the Busselton Jetty at our Incursion on Friday. The students had a great experience looking at the history of the jetty as well as some of the threats it faces,  how pollution is affecting the local fish and bird life and a chance to examine some fossilised critters and sea life.


Please see below for the homework assigned for this week. If you can please support your child to complete all parts of their homework each week. This helps with their personal organisation and reduces their anxiety of getting in trouble when it is not done. 

We have also asked the students to show you their One Note diary page each week to help keep you up to date with what is happening - we feel that this helps them to build diary and organisation skills which are important foundations to build on as they move through their schooling.

You will notice that I have added in a small section underneath for you or your child to type in a small comment on their organisation around their homework.
1. Reading - Students are to read for 10 minutes each night.

2. Timetables - 9's -  Students are to practice at least 4 times throughout the week at home. 

3. Mental Maths- Complete Unit 15, p 30 & 31. All sections are to be completed including those missed from Monday and Tuesday.

4. Spelling - the students are to complete LSCWC with their spelling words. These are due in on Friday.

Batten down the hatches and have a great week,

Mrs Delane


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