Week 7

Good afternoon parents,

Welcome to Week 7...it is nearly the end of term and I am sure you are starting to feel the warmth of the planned holidays. If I can please ask that you are mindful of your child's attendance leading up the holidays. We will be working right up until the last day.

We had an excellent excursion to Ngilgi Cave on Friday and our prayers were answered with perfect weather for planting...we only got slightly wet waiting to hop back on the bus to come back to school!

The students planted over 140 native plants around the shelter and cave area and were kept very busy indeed. The CATS Team and Andre were very impressed with the care and diligence shown by the students in making sure they handled the plants carefully and moved around the space respectfully.

We finished off with another great tour of the cave which the kids loved...particularly the OLC Tunnel of Doom! Thankfully no one got stuck and needed rescuing which was awesome!

A huge thank you to Tony Summers who jumped in at the last minute to add his hole digging expertise!


World Refugee Day - Next week is world Refugee Week and Refugee Day is the 20th June. We are planning a rice day to raise awareness of the plight of Refugees. This year this will be an experience, rather than a fundraiser, although if families want to they might make a contribution to the Caritas boxes.

All students are welcome to participate in rice for lunch at no charge. They will be given a serve of plain boiled rice only. We are trying to help them understand what it means to go without. If parents think that their child will require additional sustenance on the day they are welcome to pack extra food.

Students will be asked to bring their own bowl and spoon that is clearly labelled with their name on it. This will take place on the Friday of week 8 (21st of June).

Computers - Please support your child to bring their laptops fully charged each day. This is an ongoing problem with laptops not being charged or coming to school at all. We use them in a variety of ways multiple times a day and are always needed.

We do ask that you do not bring their laptops up to school if they have forgotten them. They will be issued with a Laptop Infringement Notice that will be brought home as a reminder to be more organised.

Eucharist Money - Please send in your $10 ASAP if you have not already done so.


Please see below for the homework assigned for this week. If you can please support your child to complete all parts of their homework each week. This helps with their personal organisation and reduces their anxiety of getting in trouble when it is not done. 

We have also asked the students to show you their One Note diary page each week to help keep you up to date with what is happening - we feel that this helps them to build diary and organisation skills which are important foundations to build on as they move through their schooling.

You will notice that I have added in a small section underneath for you or your child to type in a small comment on their organisation around their homework.
1. Reading - Students are to read for 10 minutes each night.

2. Timetables - 9's -  Students are to practice at least 4 times throughout the week at home. 

3. Mental Maths- Complete Unit 16, p 32 & 33. All sections are to be completed including those missed from Monday and Tuesday.

4. Spelling - the students are to complete LSCWC with their spelling words and put theirr words into sentences on One Note. These are due in on Friday.

Batten down the hatches (again!) and have a great week,

                  Mrs Delane


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