Week 7 Update

 Good morning parents,

A short one this week...I hope you enjoyed the extra long weekend! The weather was amazing!!

A few reminders for the last couple of weeks...

Stationery - We will be working right up until the very end. If you can please make sure that your child has in their pencil case - a glue stick, ruler, lead pencil, eraser, read and blue pen. 

We will begin sending books home in Week 9...if you would like to make sure that your child has a reusable bag tucked in from then that would be great!

Vinnie's Appeal - A reminder that we are collecting toiletry items...if you can please have them in by the end of Week 8.

Uthando Dolls - I am looking for someone to take on the coordinating of some people to help with quality control. Please let me know if you are able to do this...you can then organise a time and date that suits those helpers best.

Maths & Science Assessments - We will be having our end of unit assessment on Tuesday next week. I will make sure the students are clear on what will be covered and what they will need to review.

Leave - I will be on leave next week as I am having a minor procedure and need some time to recover. Mrs Dorrington will be in all week following the program that Mr Danaher and I have put together. I will be in contact via email if needed.

Year 4 Christmas Concert Dress - As mentioned in our last school newsletter, the students have been asked to wear Christmas colours to the upcoming concert on Tue 8th December. Can I ask that the Year 4’s add a little ‘Aussie Christmas’ flair to their outfit for the night? I have discussed with the children that if they could wear thongs and an Aussie hat (Akubra style or similar wide brim/straw/bucket hat) with their Christmas outfit that would be fantastic. And a little dash of brightly coloured zinc across the nose would also complete the look that we’re going for!

Many thanks

Mrs Sherborne

Homework will continue as normal for the next two weeks, if you can please support your child to make sure they have completed all elements.

Wishing you all a great week...hopefully you don't have any Leavers close by and are getting some rest!

Mrs Delane.


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