Welcome to Year 4 - 2021

Good morning Year 4 parents, 

Welcome to the 2021 school year! We are looking forward to meeting you all and getting to know the students as we begin the year.

We thought that it would be helpful if we gave you some information on the logistics of the first few weeks which may be handy in finalising the last preparations for the students to come to school on Monday 1st February.

Due to ongoing restrictions and general COVID awareness, you are welcome to walk your child to the door and then we will take it from there.

Day 1 – Is always busy and everyone (including us) is nervous about how the day will go. If you can make sure your child is at school as close to 8.30am as possible. might be a good idea to throw in a bandaid or two as new shoes sometimes take some time to wear in…don’t worry, we have plenty!

Book Orders - If you can please make sure that you have unpacked and labelled all items as necessary, we would be very appreciative. We will assist the students with putting their items into their drawers.

Exercise and Scrap Books – If you can please make sure that you have purchased the given number of exercise and scrap books…they all get used!

We included clear book covers on our list this year as we will be giving the students cover pages to glue on so they can easily identify their books.

It would be most appreciated if you could make sure that all of your child’s exercise and scrap books already have these covers on ready for Monday.

Using these covers helps the books to last better through the year and reinforces care and respect for their workbooks.

Any spare exercise books are to be clearly labelled with your child’s name. Please do not worry about filling in subject areas as they can be reused for the next year if they don't need them.

Stationery Items – Your child will have their own pencil case. We ask that all items are labelled with your child’s name. Personally, I use coloured Washi tape around the top of each item…a lot easier than trying to write your child’s name in tiny writing! Please feel free to do whatever works for your family.

Please stock their pencil case with lead pencils, green and red pens, highlighters, sharpener, eraser, ruler and scissors as these are the most used items. 

If you would like to include coloured pencils, textas and crayons in this you are welcome to. Alternatively, you can include an additional pencil case with these items. The students can get these from their drawers as needed.

We love stationery as much as the next person but there is not enough room for 7 different Smiggle suitcase style pencil cases…please show your child this email if they are not picking up what you are laying down 😊

Any extra stationery items can be placed in a large Ziploc bag with your child’s name written on it. This is to be kept at home and we do regular stationery checks so that they can get new supplies when needed.

Maths Pencil Case – If your child took these home at the end of last year, please make sure that they come in with your child on Monday.

Phys Ed – the students will once again have the amazing Mrs Sinclair for Phys Ed. We will advise you of our PE days as soon as the specialist timetable is available.

We will also advise of our classroom timetables, this is helpful to refer back to in case of booking appointments, music lessons and knowing what to bring/wear on each day.

Uniform – Please check in with the school website for any last-minute questions and make sure that your child adheres to our guidelines around hair and fringe length. Both boys and girls must have their hair off their face and tied up if it falls below their collar.

First Day – there may be some nerves coming in on the first day. If your child is feeling a little nervous, this is perfectly normal…we are too!

Your child will see that they have been allocated a seat and a drawer within the classroom. As they come in, we ask that they bring in their bags to unpack, find their seat and then put their belongings in their drawer.

There is a home for their water bottles, and they are to keep their Crunch n Sip on their desks with their pencil cases. They will be directed to the whiteboard with reminders on what to do.

Daily Routine – we are very keen to encourage a sense of independence and personal responsibility amongst the Year 4 students.

We expect that in the mornings they are carrying their own bags to class, unpacking their homework folder, water bottle and crunch and sip to come in to class, getting their own chairs and then settling to follow the given instructions on the board.

We ask that you support your child to do as much of this independently as possible. We understand that some students require more organisational support than others, but we will work with your child to help develop those organisational skills, to build confidence within themselves as learners and members of the class.

Gathering Time - class is open from 8.30am. If you can endeavour to get your child to class on time it helps to feel settled and organised for the day.

This is an important time of the day for us to connect with the students and help get them set up for the day. It can be tricky for us to give you our full attention on occasion, so if you need to speak with either of us, please come in a few minutes beforehand or send us an email.

Interviews - If you need to see Ben or myself to share any important information about your child, please email us directly to organise a time in the second week to meet. 

We have received a very thorough handover from your child's previous teacher which highlights their brilliance and strengths and informs us of any areas to be aware of.

It is great if we have a few days to get settled with the children first. 

You can contact us directly via email at caitlin.delane@cewa.edu.au or benjamin.danaher@cewa.edu.au

We are open to meetings on Zoom if this is more convenient for you.

We will be doing a teacher swap of classes for Science and Health at this stage and will share relevant information with each other as necessary. Information about any relevant learning or social concerns is shared confidentially between Ben and I so that we can continue to support your child whilst they are in our class. We come together on a regular basis for reading and spelling groups as well as working together in Art, Technologies and Religion.

If your child can also remember to bring in their 2 boxes of tissues as well please, we would be most appreciative.

Enjoy the last week of holidays and we look forward to seeing you!

Kind regards,

Caitlin Delane & Ben Danaher



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