Welcome to Week 9

Good afternoon parents,

Welcome to the week...thank you to all families that were able to attend our mass last night. It was so beautiful to see the church so full and the kids were all so well behaved and reverent. I hope they were taking it all in preparing for their special day in the just a few short weeks.

A few reminders for this week...

Tree Planting - we are off tomorrow! A big thanks to Bec Hoar, Beck Torr and Lizzy Pepper for putting their hands up to come along and help us. We will be leaving school at 11am so please pack recess and lunch for your child as normal. We will have recess before we go but will have lunch whilst we are out at the planting site.

The weather is looking a little shaky so please make sure that your child has a pair of long pants to wear (possibly change into before we leave if they prefer, a long sleeved shirt or jumper and a rain jacket if possible. 

I would also suggest throwing in a towel in case we do get a little damp they can wrap it around to help keep themselves dry. 

Headphones - Your child MUST have a pair of working headphones, particularly during our reading groups we have a number of activities that rely on them being able to watch and listen and then complete activities. 

Additionally, laptops coming to school everyday is a must. Lately there has been multiple students each day without laptops...this makes the day difficult for them and us.

Uniform Over the past couple of weeks, I have noticed that many uniform issues are starting to arise within the class. These include:

  • Wearing of incorrect sport socks - please ensure that your child is wearing the correct white sport socks (Please no santa cruz, Dunsborough basketball or other surf/skate brand socks) on their sports days
  • Wearing nail polish to school - this goes against the school uniform policy
  • Wearing of sneakers on the formal school uniform day - please ensure your child is wearing their black formal school shoe on a Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
I appreciate your assistance with the correction of these issues.

OLC Dance Concert - A message from the wonderful Mrs (Ellie) Haines - 
Hello Families! 
The OLC Dance Concert is on Friday, July 2nd Week 11 (last day of Term after lunch). 
Several students have mentioned they will be away on that day (or are unsure if they will be away).

If you child WILL NOT be at school for the last day of term/ OLC Dance Concert please email ellie.haines@cewa.edu.au ASAP (if you haven't done so already).

If your child/children will be performing please see the Dance Blog for all costume requirements: https://danceolc.blogspot.com/ 

Thank you - all students are doing such an incredible job and I know you will be impressed by their dance moves! Ellie Haines. 💃💃

Character Strength - Currently at OLC we are focusing on modeling and observing different character strengths. The strengths that we will focus on are taken directly from the VIA Institute for Character. 

This upcoming week we are looking for people who show Fairness. Can you encourage your child to reflect on the following?

A few dates also for the diary this week...

Tuesday 15th June - Wheels after Meals - students are invited to bring their skateboards and scooters to school for a roll around after lunch on Tuesday. Please make sure they area also bringing appropriate safety equipment. All items are to be placed near Mr Lee's office.

Wednesday 16th June - Walkie, Wheelie, Waste Free Wednesday - this is going really well and we are so grateful for your support of this.

Thursday 17th June - Cross Country - Please make sure that your child wears their faction shirt on this day...the Year 3's will start us off and then it will be the Year 1's turn. 

Providing the weather stays good, we will stay out to watch the other competitors. Parents are most welcome to join us to watch, please note that the bottom gravel carpark is unavailable. 

Friday - 18th June - Church Tour - We will be walking down to the church in our separate classes to spend some time with Fr Francis learning more about the church and important places and spaces. We will be heading down around 12.15pm but will return in time for lunch!

The week before last we had a fantastic time visiting Eagle Heritage Wildlife Centre. We learnt so much and the kids made your families very proud, they were super attentive and respectful and were so grateful for the day...I had so much fun!

The amazing Kate Garcia took some excellent photos for us which she has shared, we are just working out the best way to share these (with her permission) with you as a parent group.

A massive thank you also to all of the parents that came along to help us, you guys really made the day special...thank you again!

The knowledge that the students gained from this experience will be used to help them create their fact file on their bird of choice. We will begin working on these in class this week, gathering additional information as needed. I am looking forward to seeing what the students have learnt about their bird of choice.

A note from Miss T...

Although it has been a short teaching week, we have covered a lot of content and the students have been working very hard, which is pleasing to see.

In writing this week, our learning has been focused on how to structure a paragraph when writing informative texts. Following on from our super fun excursion to Eagles Heritage, students will be using the information they collected on their chosen bird of prey to create a 'fact file', which will include key facts they will need in order to write their draft information reports.


In maths we have been looking at a new learning area – chance and probability. To make this topic more relevant and engaging, our learning has involved a combination of probability games and application exercises. This coming week, student will create their own 'chance spinners' which will be a fun way to further explore this topic.


As students will very soon be participating in the sacrament of the Eucharist, we have been focusing on this topic during our Religion lessons. Our focus this last week has been on getting students familiar with the origins of the Eucharist and recognising the significance of The Last Supper in this special celebration.


During the last two weeks, we have been looking at a new arts skill and learning area - sculpture. I am particularly excited about the next few lessons, as they will tie in nicely with our writing unit. During the coming weeks, students will be working with the natural materials they collected to create a sculptural artwork, representing their chosen bird of prey's nest. This will give students an opportunity to reflect on their current research and consider how they can build their own nest to reflect the habitat of their chosen bird of prey. 


We are back on board the homework train this week...please support your child to complete and hand in their homework each Friday.

Wishing you a fantastic week 9!

Caitlin Delane 


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