Welcome to Week 6!

Hello everyone,

I hope that you have and still are enjoying this long weekend...what a gift in the midst of a difficult past few weeks!

I came across this on the weekend and I will be sharing it with the staff as our staff prayer focus for this week as I felt it captured so many difficult feelings.

A few reminders for the coming short week...

Character Strength Focus - This week we are looking at the character strength of Forgiveness...

Pope Francis says "If we do not strive to love and forgive, we will not be forgiven and loved either."


Forgiveness means to extend understanding towards those who have wronged or hurt us. It means to let go. In many cases this is the letting go of some or all of the frustration, disappointment, resentment, or other painful feelings associated with an offense. 

Forgiveness, and the related quality of mercy, involve accepting the shortcomings, flaws, and imperfections of others and giving them a second (or third) chance. As the expression goes, it is letting bygones be bygones, rather than being vengeful. 

It is important to distinguish forgiveness from:

  • condoning (removes the offense)
  • forgetting (removes the awareness)
  • reconciliation (restores the relationship)

First Eucharist Enrolment Mass - For those students that will be making their First Eucharist this year, we will be having our Enrolment Mass this Saturday, 12th March at beginning at 6pm. 

Those candidates and their families are expected to attend. If you are unable to attend this mass, please let me know as soon as possible.

We will be celebrating First Eucharist for our 4DEL candidates on Sunday 27th March.

See Saw - I am just checking that everyone is receiving these posts okay? Does anyone need another copy of their sign in code? 

I am taking the photos myself this year and I am hoping that the photos are clear for you to see - if they are not, I would appreciate any feedback on their quality

Masks - The children have been super brave and resilient about this...I know it is not easy. 

If I can please respectfully ask that if a student is not wearing a mask to please not question, comment or offer them one. 

There are some students that have exemptions and I would like to respect their privacy and not share this or make them feel uncomfortable.

Lent/Ash Wednesday - We celebrated a beautiful liturgy on Wednesday and this provided a great opportunity for the students to reflect on three elements that we are asked to focus on throughout Lent...to give, pray and fast.

We had a great chat about how giving can include money to the Project Compassion box or other charities but also about how this can also be time...time spent helping others or more around the family home or with those that we love. 

We also discussed how to pray more...this was an interesting concept for the students to come to grips with as many said that they don't pray...this is absolutely fine! I asked them to perhaps say a prayer as simple as thank you...for their warm bed, clean socks or crunch n sip! 

On a larger scale we can pray for those affected by the floods over east as well as those in Russia and the Ukraine, the leaders of our community and the world making difficult decisions every day.

To fast may be as simple as giving up a favourite food or activity, halving the time spent gaming or on a device or speaking negative thoughts or fighting with a sibling...I hope this helps!

Our Learning - Week 6...

With our PAT Assessments and some other minor interruptions all out of the way now, I expect that our Setting Descriptions will be ready for display this week!

In our Maths learning we are moving into looking at mm and cm's and how they are used around our world and how to best choose an appropriate unit of measure.

In Religion we will be looking at how Holy Communion unites people with Jesus in a special way and what the term communion means. We will discuss and then create a mind map to explain how this begins a friendship and connection with Jesus.    

Our Art sessions have been focused around line and shape and the students are currently creating a piece incorporating these elements as well as the use of foreground and space - these will be placed up on See Saw  for you to enjoy once they are completed. 

In Health the students have nearly finished their healthy lunch bags. In this activity students were asked to pack their recess and lunch for the day and then draw them. They will be asked to explain why they have chosen each item to be included and this also be uploaded to See Saw for you to enjoy.

There will be no homework this week as it is a short one...if you can encourage your child to still read each night though please!

Wishing you and your family a safe, healthy and happy week!

Kindest regards,

Mrs Delane 



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