Week 2 - Term 3

Good afternoon parents,

Welcome to the week...I hope that you all survived the weather...can you believe it?!

Change of Seating -  Some of you may be aware that I have made a big change in regards to work spaces moving forward this term. I am giving the students the opportunity to choose their own work spaces instead of having allocated seating.

The reasoning behind this is that the majority of the students are very focused during our learning time and this is an opportunity to reward them.

With this in mind, Gathering Time in the morning is even busier! I am very mindful of keeping my eyes on the students to step in if there are any difficulties and to support them in making good seating choices. Please don't think I am being rude if I am not very chatty!!

Some of the rules around this are:

  • Choose a sensible work space.
  • Choose to sit next to someone who helps you to be at your best and who you help to be at their best.
  • I can be moved by Mrs Delane at any time if I am not following the rules.
  • There is to be a mix of boys and girls (this is great experience in working with different people)
  • No-No Combos always apply. (Please don't be concerned if your child is listed in a no-no combo...I am working with them on this)
  • You need to move person and position between each break.
  • There is no saving seats.
Gathering Time - I will also be using the 'You'll Need" section on the main whiteboard as well as the IWB at the front of the room. This is a constant and provides a space where I can help those students who find the transition times a bit of a challenge in terms of knowing what they need.

Again, if you can have a chat with your child about the importance of following the procedures in place, this helps them to feel relaxed and comfortable as they are prepared for their lessons and then the learning can flow.

Reminders - Week 2

Year 3D Class Mass - As I mentioned in my previous post, 3D will be hosting a whole school mass on Friday 3rd August. It would be wonderful to have as many parents as possible attend. The students will be in charge of the readings and offertory and I will be sending the readings home in the coming days.

Our Learning 

In our literacy lessons we have begun looking at the purpose and structure of an informative text. We had a got at sequencing some information about the author Roald Dahl today...it was a bit of a challenge making sure we had all the right information in the right boxes!

For our reading comprehension, we are practicing highlighting important information to help us with Finding the Main Idea of a text.

In our maths we have been looking at odd and even numbers and using the Act it Out strategy in our Problem Solving sessions on a Friday.

In religion we have been discussing Choices and how we make choices in our everyday lives. We have also talked about making moral choices in the way we treat others...this ties in very well to our theme of Being a WEST person and showing the Spirit of Jesus!

We brainstormed a list of qualities that are shown when we are showing the Spirit of Jesus and then students were asked to pick the quality they felt they did the best. It was very interesting to see and I certainly agreed with the students!


As a parent, I can understand that getting your child to complete their homework without WWIII can be quite a challenge! 

I do ask that please encourage them as much as you can. It is important they are building good homework habits as well as working to retain the literacy and numeracy facts being covered in class and through the review of the mental maths and our spelling groups.

Reading - All reading is to be written into their reading log, including the name of the book and number of pages and then signed by you.

Please note - Reading books are to be changed on a Monday only. 

Spelling - Students are to complete a LCWC of their list words for the week. 

Sight Words - If you can please work with your child to complete these every night.

Mental Maths - Students are to complete Days 1-4 of Unit 21 This is marked daily in class each morning. It is fine if students work ahead on this.

Times Tables - Activity Sheet - 9 Times Tables. Students are asked to write out their tables in order on Monday and Tuesday nights and then complete them out of order on Wednesday and Thursday nights.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Wishing you a fantabulous week,

Mrs Delane 


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