Week 7 Update

Good morning, 

Welcome to a new week in 4DEL...I hope that you enjoyed the rain that we were blessed with over the weekend. We were away camping and I found that it is very soothing to sleep when your tent is being carried away by a small river! 

I awoke to the sound of my husband digging what looked to be Roman style aqueducts to assist with the water that was pooling around us...I think I had a total of 4 hours sleep over the weekend and most of that was on the couch yesterday once we were home and unpacked!! But not to worry, we are back into it this week!


Stationery Check - If I can please ask you to check your child's stationery and top up any needed items. If possible, would you also send in a whiteboard marker with your child when you can. We are using these a lot at the moment and I am fast running out.

PAT Assessments - This week we will be finishing off our PAT Assessments. These are part of the OLC Assessment Schedule and gives us valuable information about where our programming will take us next. These help us to identify areas of strength or weaknesses so that we can focus our learning programmes accordingly.

Please support your child to make sure they bring their laptop to school fully charged each day as these assessments are completed online.

Harmony Day - Will be celebrated on the 21st March in Australia. We celebrate Harmony Day to promote diversity and acceptance of other cultures. ... Harmony Day aims to start a conversation about heritage, culture and community.


This week in our writing sessions we will be looking at how to write a sizzling start for my story before using this to begin planning and drafting our own narratives. 

We will be using the story mountain template which helps to build the action within a story...we have discussed great action movies such as anything Indiana Jones or James Bond (parental guidance of course)!! 

These are great examples of being so close but so far away from saving the world! We discussed how it is funny that 5 seconds on a timer can go forever...just enough time to disarm the bomb, save the girl and kill the bad guy! It's also a great opportunity to re-watch some classics!

Image result for indiana jones

In maths, we have been looking at the doubling and doubling and halving strategies to help with mental multiplication. We will be having an assessment on these on Thursday before moving into our next unit of work in investigating 3D shapes and their properties.

Our science lessons are proving to be a source of great interest and discussion. I have recommended a couple of great documentaries for those of you that have access to Netflix but I have asked the students to get parental permission first. We have been learning about how extreme weather can change the landscape of the earth. 

I also asked the students the complete a small experiment with your permission as well to investigate what happens when all the ice melts! I have asked them to take some photos and record their observations for fun! When normal programming resumes next week, we can have a look and see what happens!


If I can also ask you to check out the upcoming events and reminders section that has also been added.

Wishing you a fantastic week!



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