Week 7 Information

Good afternoon parents,

I hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather this weekend...my family and I ventured to the Big Smoke to see my mum for the first time since the travel restrictions had been lifted. 

It was lovely to see her and check out all the changes that have occurred since we last went to Perth! I won't lie...I do love it when I hit that Vasse roundabout to chuck a right to come home!!


Laptops - This proved to be a MAJOR problem this week...I feel as if I jinxed this after my post last week. I had multiple students every day that had either forgotten their laptops or they ran out of charge. Whilst I continually repeat that we can cope without laptops (and we can) please know that your child not having theirs present or operational has a huge impact.

A few students threw their parents under the bus saying that mum or dad must have taken it off charge to plug in their phones! If your child can have a designated spot and days that they charge, they will be fine.

Parents On Grounds - At last restrictions have begun to lift around parents being back on school grounds. This is wonderful news and I look forward to seeing your faces soon..I will follow up on what Mr Lee mentioned in his letter last week to say that the improvement I have seen in independence and organisation has been amazing! Having the students come in and get themselves set up and ready to go has given them such great confidence in dealing with a myriad of minor problems that may have become yours if you had been there. I am really proud of them!
You are of course welcome at our door, but I would encourage you to perhaps stick with current arrangements for now and perhaps make drop off at the door a special occasion? One where you can check out their work (eventually) and see some other familiar faces.

Interviews - Following on from this, I have had a number of requests for interviews recently. 
Bearing in mind that we can't meet face to face, I am more than happy to Zoom with you at a time that suits. Once we have confirmed a time, if you can send me the Zoom details and I will see your faces then.

I would just like to point out that if you wish to have a general 'how are they going' conversation, please be aware that Semester 1 reports will be going home in a few weeks. These will cover how your child is going academically in all learning areas, their work habits and a general comment.

If you have any specific questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


In our Writing, our person information report is well under way. It is fascinating to see the variety of people that the students have chosen to research...I am looking forward to reading their reports and seeing their presentations! This week will see us finish drafting our reports and we will then begin to publish and then work on our oral presentations.

Our Maths sessions this week will be focusing on Units of Length, specifically converting millimetres to centimetres and the reverse as well as centimetres to metres. We will be practicing measuring a variety of objects which I am sure will be helpful when trying to work out even shares of the last piece of cake!

In Religion, we have been creating our Rosary Lap Books. These are a beautifully visual way for the students to see and learn about how to say the Rosary. I am hoping to connect with Fr Frances this week to pray a decade of the rosary and have a chat with him. He is currently stranded at home and he is missing the students of OLC very much!

In our STEM sessions, we have continued working on creating our board games. Last week the students had to work out their objective and rules for their games. This week will see them begin to create their games...stay tuned!

Our Egg Drop Products were an absolute hit last week...the students had some fantastic designs to protect their eggs and showed great thought and execution. The future is in safe hands!



Please check in with your child's Learning Grid and Spelling activities each night. Can I ask that you are correcting their spelling homework each night, this prevents students from making a repeated mistake in their spelling homework.

If anyone has any suggestions on different ideas for homework activities I would love to hear from you!

Upcoming Assessments - Please note that in the coming weeks your child will be having some scheduled assessments. I will make sure that your child is aware of these dates and what will be covered in the assessment so they can make some time in their week to review.

These are low key and low stress and are also aimed at helping the children to manage some of those yucky feelings that can come when the word test is mentioned!

Have a great week, I am counting down the days to the first AFL game on Thursday night! I have no idea who is playing and I don't even care!! Go Eagles!!

Kind regards,

Mrs Delane 


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