Welcome to Week 1!


I am delighted to welcome you and your children into 4DEL. I hope that you enjoyed the holidays and made it through without too many fights, trips to Coles or sunburn!

I was lucky enough to get two trips away these holidays, one to the amazing Windy Harbour and the second to visit my in-laws in Kalbarri. Both were much quieter than Dunsborough and I was super grateful to have the chance to move a little slower and enjoy a second cup of coffee...and some Netflix...and more coffee!

We sent out an email earlier in the week outlining a few more specifics for Year 4...there was a lot of information in there so please feel free to re-read it to process when you have a moment.

Communication - I will send a blog post on a weekly basis which shares a little of what we are up to, some admin details/important dates...my goal is to keep you informed of what is happening and when. As a mum with two high school aged children, I like the short version!

COVID Protocols - I am looking forward to welcoming the students into class on Monday morning. If I can ask that you please make sure that you are using your phone to check into 4DEL via the SafeWA/ServiceWA App whenever you come on to school grounds and that you are wearing a mask and practising social distancing as best you can in a busy classroom at all times.

I will ask that the students sanitise their hands upon arrival. If your child has a particular sensitivity, please feel free to send in a small bottle for their own use.

Uniform - students will come to school Monday/Tuesday in their formal Summer uniform and as of Wednesday they are to then wear their sports uniform including sneakers until Friday 11th February to make life easier during swimming lessons!

Once swimming lessons have concluded, students will wear their sports uniform on Thursday and Friday to faciliate their sport lesson with Mrs Sinclair and dance with Mrs Haines.

Swimming - as mentioned previously, students are welcome to wear their bathers under their sports uniform (if it isn't too hot) otherwise we will give them time to get changed.

If you can please make sure that your child is familiar with their rashie, thongs, towel, goggles and underwear...it is always amazing what belongs to no-one!

Students will apply sunscreen before we leave and must wear a rashie to their lesson. Again, if your child has a sensitivity to sunscreen, please send in a bottle for their own use and I can assist them as needed!

All students must wear a rashie or long sleeved bathers.

Seesaw - as per last year we will be using this amazing platform to provide insight into your child's progress around specific learning tasks and achievement. This provides you with an opportunity to see your child's learning in real time and celebrate their success and identify ares to improve. 

I will be in touch in the coming days with your child's code and don't forget that multiple family members can connect to our child's account! A great way to combat some of the COVID difficulties!

We will work with students over the term to ensure that your child is comfortable and confident in uploading high quality images for you to enjoy.  

Running Times - a reminder that doors open at 8.30am for Gathering Time and at 8.40am we will head off for daily fitness so if you arrive and we aren't in class, if your child can make their way to the oval or basketball courts to see where we are!

Our day ends at 3pm and students then make their way to your agreed meeting spot...please make sure that your child knows if they are on Sloan Drive or the Cape Nat Pick Up Lane to save you having to drive around and around!

Late Arrival/Early Pick Up - A reminder that you will need to check your child in if they arrive after 8.40am or check them out if they are attending an appointment or leaving early. This can be done through the front office via SEQTA. 

Canteen - This will run on Tuesdays & Thursdays. Students are welcome to purchase food and drink at recess without prior ordering. If your child would like a lunch order, you can order online or can be ordered directly at the canteen. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send through an email and I will attend to it as soon as possible. 

Please be aware that I won't respond to any emails sent after 5pm until the next school day except in an emergency, such as serious injury/illness or death. Please make sure that you note this in the subject line. 

I hope you enjoy the final days of holidays and I look forward to seeing you on Monday!

Kind regards,

Mrs Delane 


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